A reminder that the term "Libertarian," was originally used solely by the anarchist movement, in an attempt to get around censorship of anarchist publications in places like France. Only in the US has the term taken on a position to mean laissez-faire capitalism.
So-called 'anarcho'-capitalist Murry Rothbard wrote: "We captured a crucial word from the enemy. “Libertarians,” in contrast, had long been simply a polite word for left-wing anarchists...But now we had taken it over."
Rothbard was heavily involved in the 'far-Right populist' branch of the Libertarian Party, which included figures such as Ron Paul + Lew Rockwell, the latter who many credit with writing Paul's newsletters that contained racist, homophobic + anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Rothbard would eventually leave the Libertarian Party + become involved in paeloconservativism which would go onto to birth the Alt-Right. He praised neo-Nazis like David Duke, claiming that "nothing in Duke's current program...could not also be embraced by...libertarians."
Rothbard also called on the police to unleash violence on the "parasitic Underclass." He called on police to: "Clear the streets of bums and vagrants. Where will they go? Who cares? Cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment." https://web.archive.org/web/20160215192334/http://archive.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/ir/Ch5.html
Rothbard ended his life by supporting the candidacy of Pat Buchanan, a paleoconservative long linked to white nationalist circles. Buchanan's politics would go on to foreshadow the rise of Trumpism and the Alt-Right.
Far from embracing a free society or even one divorced from the political State; far-Right libertarians embrace extremely authoritarian policies, police forces, and governments - as long as their vision of property rights is upheld.
The Alt-Right has carried these ideas a step further and embraced full on fascism. Many on the current Alt-Right started off within Right libertarian, anarcho-capitalist, and paleoconservative circles. https://twitter.com/IGD_News/status/1199455299595358216?s=20
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