Says the POS who FABRICATED, PLANTED, and ALTERED, evidence to hide his, and others, crimes. You specifically chose chil-d por-n with girls the same age as Sharyl Attkisson's daughter, at that time, and planted it on her husband's computer. Not only to charge
Him with possession of it, gaining leverage over Ms. Atkisson for Obama/Holder, but to taint any jury and public opinion into thinking he molested his own daughter. "Since he likes girls that age".
While at the same time covering up 'judge' Sullivan raping his own
Granddaughter, for years, and forcing his son to take the blame so he could "handle it as a judge".
I have prayed mightily to protect that girl, and I have kept her out of it. She is a nasty vile person and extremely difficult to deal with. Exactly what you would expect
from a child who is trapped in a family that has abused her for her entire life. Out of all this i pray that Ms. Atkisson gets closure, General Flynn receives Justice, and this girl can finally heal.
You fabricated a case against myself and my wife. Threatened my entire family, tortured me for months, participated in the murder of several people at least, and are STILL commiting Treason and Sedition.
You are the worst kind of "person" and your word games no longer workđź–•
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