Hey, I'm gong to be live tweeting as I watch this VOD, because the first episode was so good!

Mute this thread of you're not interested, but if you like interesting hijinks and engaging plot threads, you should watch! https://twitter.com/saevrick/status/1314188033680343045
In the previous episode, as I remember, our four "heroes" were tasked with retrieving a ledger from a silent auction. They ended up with a bit more than that...
Oh, this behind music bodes well.
Ok, so I didn't remember some of the details, so thank goodness for a recap!
Yes, talk about those characters and the world!
Lol, "Did you contend with challenges above your situation?"
Uh, did you SEE those items? The mask? The demon electroplasm? We have no idea what we're getting into.
Anytime they say The Hive, all I can think is this:
I've only played a Blades in the Dark one-shot before watching this, and I feel like the system was harder for me to get into, but these players seem to be fitting in naturally with it.
I wonder if that means anything? 😋
Yes, do the rogue spirit, please.

Although, the rival faction could be interesting.
I can't wait to see where this entanglement shows up.
A spirit staring longingly... It could mean so many different things!
Can you let the dog in Blades in the Dark?
@DuvalKingJabub did you have these downtime activities planned beforehand, because if not, that's fast world-building.
"I have a lot of stress, which is close to a trauma." In this the 2020 anthem?
I'm working on my world-building skills, and I think I'm making progress, but the way these folks, especially @notanothernate can pull places and people out of nowhere seamlessly is fantastic!
Ms. Fritter's hobby: making more lady outfits.
I can't. I love her.
What's this guy's name? Roland? Don't you dare talk bad about Ms. Fritter!
In-game birthday. Where are the presents, yo?

I was not expecting that.
@saevrick setting up to break our hearts already.
Two missing sons???

If this is going to be a story of parents reuniting with their children, y'all, I'm here for it
"I'm all ears, and all eyes."
Eyes going to another party seems very on-brand
Gotta take a break for lunch, I think.
I'm back.
Preacher and Ms. Fritter both looking out for the group 🧡
"Lost his head-itis." It's a real thing
Yes, give us the deets about this young man, Preacher
Clocks clocks clocks
"making sure (Preacher) is stable and not possessed."

Um, I hate to break it to you, but Preach is *not* stable.
And that's ok, we're not judging, but we do need to be aware of that
Ms. Corbin's education 😳
Dang, unpaid internships are a thing in Blades?
Well done, Ms. Corbin, for paying your interns.
I have half an hour left to go, and I have to take another break. #life
So, do we think Little Monk will let me finish? We shall see!
I'm assuming all of this stuff with the "library" and the mask is complete improv on the part of @notanothernate. If I'm wrong, don't tell me, because this is beautiful.
Sorry not sorry I don't get the GoT reference
Finally, a birthday party!
Yes, hello, where do I get leviathan bone dice?
Well, that was super fun! Well done, all!
Here we gooooo! Episode three, baby!
I'm going to describe everyone I meet now in terms of if it is easier for them to frown or smile. Such an interesting character description!
Oh yeah, I forgot what we were getting into this week. Trying to make someone pay a debt. It should get interesting.
The flash-back dynamic in Blades is hecking wild to me.
It's hand-wavy in the best way, meaning you can focus on what you want and not get caught up in planning or stressing.
Maybe the reason I struggled with Blades is because I like to plan? Guess I'll just have to practice.
Hey, @saevrick, what the heck are preacher's tattoos, huh?
The Crows at Crowsfoot starting a war. Why are there so many threads going on? How will things ever be resolved?
...I'm afraid of the Duskfall Santa Claws.
I'm assuming that this Santa is actually a werewolf that steals away naughty children who play with spirits.
Is the theme of this campaign Reconciliation???
đŸŽ¶Everybody's unique
Everybody's unique
We all die in different ways
Everybody's uniqueđŸŽ¶
I'm not surprised that @stopthtoldwoman is a note-taker. And it's fitting she got a free assist for it.
Roland is the first NPC I don't like. Let's just say I hold a grudge on behalf of Ms. Fritter.
Oooh, Lysa has shown up again. I feel like the Crows are going to be a problem.
The people who know what's good for them will be friends with Ms. Corbin.
Yo! What if you played a Blades game where the flash-backs were actual time travel?
Well, as long as we're being *slightly* less loud...
Part of my wants the team to flip sides and start defending Vrin and take down the whole town
(was his name Vrin? Vlin? Vin? I can't remember)
I feel like @DuvalKingJabub is trying to make the strings of story even more complicated.
Here is Lysa *in person*

Things are going down!
"The crows come cawing"
Yes, please, I want a former lunch lady with a ladle to be my protection
Yeeeeeeessss, I want Preacher and Ms. Fritter to talk!
Dang, I thought it was going to be a down-time type conversation. I was mistaken.

It's ok. We all make mistakes.
@flyingsciurus Asking for a freaking Devil's Bargain!
Literally everyone is trying to make this game more complicated!

I love it
Ms. Fritter is the most reluctant, not-really rescuer I have ever seen
I love the cinematographic descriptions from @notanothernate
The man in the duffel bag was brilliant!
I do not trust Preacher's definition of a "small" distraction
"I'm going to make this hard for myself."
...Why are all Ms. Fritters neighbors "taking a trip?"

Nah, we're not going to worry about that
What good is coin if you don't have it in the moment? Clearly, Vrin is not good for it.
This week on things Preacher didn't say:
"How much money are we talking? Enough to find and reconcile with my son?"
What's this name? The Skull Blenders?
"This is not an interrogation. This is an audit."

*chef's kiss*
I had to pause the episode for a minute after finding out about Ms. Fritter's favor.
All the team talking about not doing stuff to draw more attention to themselves as if they don't love being the center of things.
Preacher's son lore drop!
I appreciate a GM who makes sure the players have an accurate understanding of a situation before they walk into making foolish decisions.
"And you are mine."
What a great episode! I'm excited to see what happens!
Also, if anything happens to those sons, I will need a heads up, please
Ok, my headphones are charged, I've got stuff to work on, let's do this! Episode Four!
Um, have there been credits at the beginning of every episode? Did I accidentally skip over them before? They're kind of epic.
@saevrick at the beginning is all of us: "So excited for role play!"
I forgot about the dude from last time until @DuvalKingJabub reminded everyone that Eyes has a "living, breathing human being" as his new item to play with.
"Fully unplanned by the narrator..."
That's it. I've found my favorite quote from this episode.
Should I feel bad from Vrin?

Probably not.
Is there a shadier way to ask someone to find out where your son is?
Oh my gosh, I got a shout out!

It is my pleasure!
Be like Preacher; attune to your mask
Players taking narrative initiative in games is an amazing thing, and all the games I've seen are better for it.
Preach, be safe!
I have chills...
Here's my question: Is there anyone that Ms. Fritter doesn't know or at least know about?
I kind of want us to see Ms. Fritter run into an old mentor or parent. That would be so interesting.
Ms. Fritter is channeling Ms. Corbin with the cards!
I know *I* wrote tons of poems in college, but I didn't realize that was a normal college thing?
Ms. Fritter is...very strong in her desire to help people and in her desire to end people.
Woot! First clock is done!

Will the others also get completed?
I'm about halfway through the episode, and they've already done so much...I'm scared for what's to come.
I've paused the episode and am guessing at what Preacher's hobby is going to be.

Whittling, maybe? Or maybe singing?
Yo, woodworking! I was close!
Preacher is all of us again. Trying to figure out what Ms. Corbin is up to.
I confess, I'm still not 100% sure what she up to?
I'm trying to listen to Ms. Corbin's and Preacher's conversation, and my service keeps cutting out! This is making it not as dramatic as it did be!
"The living have an agenda."
I kind of feel like Ms. Corbin is going to be the Big Bad?
Cool, cool, let's go to the cemetery. THAT will be fun, right?
Yes, I watch #TTRPGs. They're super fun and don't break your heart at all.

I'm too scared of what might be coming to really enjoy the Ms. Fritter/Ms. Corbin conversation.
If you're going to talk about backstory, you need to give the whole backstory, y'all! I need to know these things!
The NERVE of Vrin! To do what he's told! Unbelievable!
Thank you, all children should be healthy and happy, thank you
My internet keeps cutting out and I don't know what's happening
My phone is now sitting over by the window, and it's making all the difference. Why did I not do this before?
Ok, so Ms. Fritter knows everyone, like EVERYONE. Maybe she's the Big Bad?
Man, a lot of things happened this episode!
@notanothernate How do you decide what the next encounter is going to be?
Episode 5, y'all! Bring on that awesome music!
I'm just here listening to the prelude, thinking about how we can root for and care for characters that are people unlike us and do things we wouldn't. Most characters have some aspect you can relate to, or at least be sympathetic towards.
Have the characters grown yet?
I can't get over when these characters are so unfailingly polite to people. 🧡
I'm seeing a theme of correcting poor management. Obviously, something we can all relate to.
I vote we all go by Blades in the Dark type names from now on.

I'm going to be Smirk.
Feel free to share yours!
...how much does Preacher look like he fits into this drug den?
I can't tell you how much I enjoy the scenes where the players get to decide things about the world.
I'm so ready for Ms. Corbin to take DOWN this guy
"I just want to place a hand gently on his shoulder...

"How would you like to have a bigger stake in something?"

"I like steak."
I'm playing a game with multiple timelines/visions of the future, etc., and I keep getting that confused with the flashbacks.
I must need more sleep.
I see Eyes (tee-hee, pun not intended, but appreciated) as the group cheerleader. He just wants everyone to be the best they can be!
Alright, which one of you made a devil's bargain for all these criticals?
I think the group should change their name. Instead of the Ash Syndicate, they're obviously the Troubled Ashes.

You know I'm right.
I wasn't watching my phone when @stopthtoldwoman started yelling at Roll20, and I thought she was yelling at @notanothernate at first
Would it be possible to create a well-adjusted Blades in the Dark character?
"Death Seeker Crows" is something I was hoping I would never hear.
Preach, no self-sacrificing until you are reconciled with your son!

This goes for all y'all! No self-sacrificing until your stories are resolved.
@notanothernate I applaud you on your NPCs
Now, children, what's the number one rule of Blades in the Dark?
Always listen to the Devil's Bargain, that's right.

"Always hear the bargain,
Always learn the terms.
For if you know what's coming,
You might avoid the burns."
I think Angel would do well in Duskvol. He's pretty dramatic and would fit right in with The Unseen, etc.
I wish y'all could see my expressions as I hear some of these exchanges.
Y'all, I'm not happy about that cliffhanger...
Oh my gosh, I just finished the episode and teared up a little. Thanks, y'all!
Ok, I'm not quite done. I'm still thinking about Ms. Fritter and her late husband.
I don't think she's living to take care of people since her husband passed. I think it's just a habit now that has become somewhat twisted in it's purpose. Like she doesn't get joy from it.
Of course, I could be completely wrong, but I. Am. Interested.
Also, since next week is a hype-time episode, and THINGS are going to happen, I'm going to need someone to remind me to have chocolate at the ready.
Friends, it is time for episode 6!
And because no one reminded me to bring chocolate to work, I'm going to assume nothing dramatic or emotional happens in this episode.
I still can't get over how good the credits are!
What is your favorite part of playing Blades in the Dark?
I mean, we always knew the team is "loud and chaotic," right? They're not subtle, even when they try to be.
It's why we love them.
Actually, that's not strictly true. Ms. Corbin is very subtle.
...Why does @stopthtoldwoman know so much about how loud slicing people in half is...
I wish good things for the Ash Syndicate.

Specifically, I wish lots and lots of entanglements.
I love that everyone trusts each other completely as team mates.
They just don't trust that everyone is doing the best thing for their individual selves.
It's an interesting dynamic.
You can't call the streets "ridiculous" if you are the ones making them that way!!!
Somebody remind me how many downtime activities you get. Do you just go until everyone is done? Is it a limited number?
Preacher walking into the chapel is such a vivid scene.
The Reverend Mother asking Preacher if he wants his son or the demon back! What!
Guess what, y'all...

...Preacher didn't really answer...
@saevrick and @notanothernate
You own me chocolate.
Hey, friends, I'm loving watching this game. The dynamics between the players and narrator are so good, and you can really tell, because each time the narrator suggests a resolution or an event, the player always agrees! They're on the same page! It's beautiful! I love it!
Ms. Corbin is so blasé about getting shot.
This exchange between Ms. Corbin and Eyes feels a little bit like a mentor/mentee relationship.
I'm down for it.
Ok, I think I've got it. Ms. Fritter mentored Ms. Corbin, Ms. Corbin is now mentoring Eyes, and Preacher doesn't think he deserves a mentor.
When in reality, EVERYONE is willing to help Preacher if only he would accept it.
My gosh, @DuvalKingJabub and @flyingsciurus that was amazing
I forgot about the dagger!
where is Eye's son
Was this a thing? Did I know this was coming? Why don't I remember anything?!?
I love all the friendly connections, like Ms. Fritter with a pie. There's real complexity in Ms. Fritter.
I am OFFENDED by Lysa's comment on knitting!
Yes, hello, I'd like to put a hit out on Lysa, thank you.
Ms. Fritter is scared of NOBODY
I think we need a transition jingle in between each action. Something a couple seconds long that gives me just enough time to get back up into my chair after falling off at the end of each scene.
I used to think it was the players who were making things complicated, but this episode has proven me wrong. @notanothernate you are a troublemaker and I am here for it
This is what the plot threads feel like
Ms. Fritter and Ms. Corbin could take over the world if they chose to, and I'm not convinced that's not their plan.
No, hang on, I need to know how Ms. Corbin answers the question about her loyalty.
Yay, intervention time!
The sigh of relief after the clarification of the goat.
Man, I don't know which response to Preacher's question about failing people is the most heartbreaking.
Eyes quick reply because it's one of the things he thinks about the most.
Ms. Fritter's heavy agreement shows the weight of how seriously she takes her actions.
Ms. Corbin's silence.
I say this with the utmost respect.

NO, I'M NOT OK WITH ENDING THERE, @notanothernate
I have nothing to say except Bravo! and I can't wait for next time!
Well, I'll just tack this on at the end.

Y'all know you can tell me when I guess things correctly, right? Like, If the Ms.s ARE trying to take over the world, I'd love to know.
OOOOH, yes, I want to hear about how these folks have changed during their journeys!
Wraiths are gonna learn a lesson, yo
Is Ms. Fritter's tactical gear in the style of a lunch lady or does she wear an apron over it?
I'm trying not to overthink the poeticness of Preacher's dynamic with the demon and passing it on to his son, but I'm failing.
I may add tweets on this subject later, but I haven't got my thoughts into a cohesive state yet.
Is anyone else really tickled by the fact that people in fantasy worlds have no problem telling other people when they look terrible? I don't tell my friends that. Lol
"You gotta be super weird to be a Wraith."

Like every one of our "heroes" wouldn't fit into that category.
I'm getting the feeling that Duskvol has this air that nobody knows what's happening around town...but in reality, EVERYONE knows everything. I love it. It feels like every Duskvolian has agreed to make things as dramatic and cloak-and-dagger as possible. đŸ—Ąïž
Vrin, if this is your doing, you're an idiot.
Where do you make your base in a haunted city? Obviously, the cemetery.
Because no one goes there.
Never mind why.
All of these pop-culture references that I don't get. I'm sorry.
Someone describe these fountains, please. I need to know exactly how spooky we're talking.
This is appropriate
I paused the episode, because I'm assuming they didn't actually even bring the deed.
Maybe a fake copy, but certainly not the real thing.
After all, making the "right" choice was never an option.
I am right!
Eyes and his son

Storm from the x-men and Palpatine
I know it's a mechanical thing, but I confess, I never expected @notanothernate to say someone couldn't have a Devil's Bargain.
It's going down!
Ms. Fritter doesn't do warning shots. If she's got her cooking utensils out, it's already too late for you.
I suppose the Blades in the Dark system allows the narrator to really stack the deck against the players in scenarios, because of the flashback feature. You don't have to worry about balance, because as long as they utilize the flashbacks, they can pretty much deal with things.
I'm imagining the conversation between Ms. Fritter and Eyes. She probably doesn't tell him about why she's so concerned about it (maybe hinting to the audience that she has some experience in this), but he gets the point.
I swear to goodness, Sitara needs to NOT have any connection to Ezekiah's mother. @saevrick, I'm looking at you.
@saevrick describing the mask, and all I can think is:
Yep, yep, we get it.
The above tweet applies to both Ms. Fritter's and Preacher's actions.
There's an interesting thread of service in Preacher's life. He is tempted by serving and being served by demons, and his vice is "faith." Surely, this is no accident.
Whew, healthy, safe kid. That's what we want.
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