A short thread about our skeleton that applies to life!

Babies start with ~300 bones and over time they fuse together combined with cartilage which also turns into bone until as an adult we have 206 total bones

Lesson: More does not always mean better. Keep this in mind
There are primarily two types of bones: cortical bone and trabecular bone

-cortical: hard and needed for structure
- trabecular: spongy and a reservoir for minerals

Lesson: you can act tough on the outside but your emotions on the inside are important. Find the balance!
The inside of bones is made up by bone marrow. Bone marrow functions as a producer of some of the bodies most important cells like your immune system and platelets.

Lesson: look for what is inside someone and you will find much more value there
The smallest bone in your body is in your ear. The stapes is a bone in your ear that translates sounds so that you can ear.

Lesson: Sometimes the smallest things can be the most important. Do not overlook these things. Make them a priority
One bone in your body does not connect to any other bone.

The hyoid bone located in your throat responsible for holding your tongue in place does not touch any other bone.

Lesson: Stand up even if you stand alone. You can have an important purpose even if no one joins you.
Most people have 12 ribs but 1% of the population have a 13th rib

It usually causes people pain and is ultimately removed.

Lesson: it is okay to cut things out that cause you pain
Teeth are the strongest bones in your body. They can take the most wear and tear in the entire body.

Lesson: find what your strong quality is and rely on it. keep it healthy. improve it. protect it at all costs.
Bones require calcium to be stronger. They need an adequate intake in order to maintain their integrity and overall function

Lesson: Only consume things that will make you stronger.
I hope this gave you a little insight into something so beautiful in the body while also giving you some simple tips to improving your life!
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