(1/7) A few years ago, a Chevron whistleblower quietly left a package at the @AmazonWatch headquarters with no name or return address. Dozens of DVDs were inside.
(2/7) Just prior, courts in Ecuador had found Chevron guilty of one of the worst environmental crimes in history—deliberately dumping 16 billion gallons of toxic oil waste into Indigenous territories in the Amazon.
(3/7) Ordered by those courts to pay $9.5 billion, Chevron sold its assets and fled the country.
(4/7) The whistleblower tapes contained hours of company videos documenting Chevron’s scheme to hide its contamination during the trial.

In the video below, Chevron technicians are secretly surveying sites in advance of a visit by the judge.
(5/7) Chevron had told its technicians to look for areas free of oil waste so they could appear to “randomly” lift clean samples from polluted sites after the judge arrived.
(6/7) Chevron’s videographer also taped private interviews with residents living near contaminated sites. The company still publicly claims to have cleaned these sites.
(7/7) Locals are forced to drink, bathe and fish using poisoned rivers and streams. Innocent people are still dying.

By evading court judgements, Chevron has yet to pay even one penny to the 30,000 people it poisoned.

Read more: https://www.vice.com/en/article/9kvekz/the-chevron-tapes-video-shows-oil-giant-allegedly-covering-up-amazon-contamination
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