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Why people hate the Kue-Movement thread

I'm going to explain this based on Louis Althusser's theories, which are founded in Structural M@rxi$m.


Since the left wants to be effing M@ri$ts so bad.
First off, this dude was an effing psychopath who killed his wife.
But his ideas are revered by the left bc of their ties to m@rx
And thus, this murderer has entire courses dedicated to his ideas.
But, they are relevant for my thread as well, so we will use them.
So, let's get into how his theory explains the left's irrational hatred of all things Trump and Kue.

His theory is basically that "Ideology" only exists in the material.
What does that mean?
Well, when you think "Ideology," what comes to mind?

Ideology, of course, is not only religion, but religious beliefs are part of an ideology.

So, Althusser says that Ideology is based solely in material, not in the spiritual.

What does that mean?
Most people believe something otherworldly compels them to act the way they do, especially in religion.

But, expand that out to Society; what we understand to be right and wrong; our values-- we believe to be true and right because they ARE.

Some unnamed force tells us so.
But Althusser says there is no force. There is no "otherness"
People only believe they way they do because of generations and lifetimes of the material world telling you how to think, believe, and act.
Ex: Think of a citizen of US vs a citizen of a $#@ria law-ruled country.

A person born and raised in US is going to have a very different ideology than that of someone from the other place.

Althusser says this is bc there is no spiritual or natural law of "right and wrong"
And that people and cultures are only a product of what they're taught by the physical, material world.

And Ideology is not just a "belief system," it is EVERYTHING.
Any habit, any thought, anything that makes you feel like an individual is taught through every interaction.
Basically, you are trained from birth to BE.

And MORE than that, the reality that you ascribe to, ONLY exists because all those in the society/group/culture have been materially reinforced to accept that reality as well.
Go back to the two different people- their realities are very different--not just because of their physical surroundings, but because of the materially imposed ideology of their reality.

Some countries hate the US for the same reason we love it.
BC they have a diff reality
This reinforced, imposed reality is so strong, according to Althusser, that people who question that reality are not only shunned, but are thought of as wicked.

Why do we have wars?

Because "Their" reality is different from "ours"

"They" believe X
"We" believe Y
Let's bring it back to Kue.

Kue is not dangerous in the same way the 0-testosterone fire-libs are dangerous.

Kue is MORE dangerous.

Buildings can be rebuilt
An article came out that said "Kue is a threat to our society's SHARED REALITY"

If someone told you that grass has consciousness and more so, that it's INTELLIGENT. It feels and thinks.

Your thought probably is, "EFF you, crazy!"

Because it's SO absurd!
It goes against everything you know to be true. It is not reality, based on what you've been indoctrined to believe.

Plus, if it's true, we've been torturing and harvesting intelligent life for...ever!

That's too hard to digest.
So you reject it, and the crazy F*%& who made you question reality.

But what if they have proof?

What if they can show you?

Do you want to see?

A LOT of people do NOT!

It would F*#& their reality.

That's Kue.

Thus, the anger.
But let's take it a step further.

Going back to Althusser...Your reality only exists because you were told to believe it as reality.

Who controls the reinforcements for societal reality?

The leadership, right?
Althusser's specific argument was against religion and that the gov leadership used it to control the masses and keep them subdued.
"Be good now, and you'll be rewarded later."

But his theory can be applied to what is habbening with the Kue movement as well
The left has used this idea to cultivate a specific reality in the years of Bammer (&B4) quite successfully.
There is a qen0c!de of black people by police in this country (though facts do not support that)
K!II@ry--is thought of as some sort of amazing person on the left
It's not real.
But it IS REAL to millions of people.

And the left has created this reality on purpose.

To control the masses.

They've spent years telling people and training people to believe things that aren't true, though minimal research contradicts it.
It's the reason they have no qualms accusing Trump of literally things they've done. It's the reason evidence will come out against them and they'll act like nothing happens.

Because using facts is not their strategy.

Truth over Facts

Constructed "Reality" over Facts
Kue will literally change reality if made public.

If it is true, our indoctrination, our ideology has no foundation.

Reality is no longer.
using Althusser's, and those like him, theories to control us has proven effective, but will ultimately fail.


Because Althusser was wrong.

There is an "otherness."

A spiritual truth.

And it's time to wake up.
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