While The Street hangs on premium subs, GM, & ARPU...free customer acquisition, and entry into the flywheel is a explosive accelerant at scale...

"[AUDIO] Data will talk, if you're willing to listen" - @eldsjal to advertisers

🗜️ A Freemium Vice Grip on the Audio Market
"In this article, we leverage data from Spotify to provide the first ecologically valid behavioral evidence that musical preferences and habitual listening behavior are linked
to personality traits."

@Prof_Kalkyl @bizalmanac @tpurgacz @CJGilchrist2 @fatbabyfunds @HedgeyeComm

"Google uses user-level search history data to optimize search rankings, Netflix leverages user feedback to personalize content recommendations, Twitter can use
feedback to provide personalized news recommendations."


"Prior research has found converging support for this theory when applied to musical preferences, finding that across multiple methods, samples, and geographic regions, personality is correlated with preferences for features, genres, and styles."

"Music streaming data pose at least six advantages over other types of digital records from human behavior..."

"In this article, we describe the nuances of listening behavior using an extensive set of 211 mood, genre,
demographic, and behavioral variables..."

8/ The Flywheel Accelerant - Attract More Free Users
9/ $SPOT


LTV/SAC - Massive, new markets and a sticky product offer high FV subscribers...

Since 2018:
-India (>500M user TAM)
-Russia + 12 Countries (250M user TAM)
-Korea ("Launching in Korea was simply a matter of timing and strategy")

"Now, once a free user converts, it takes us an average of 12 months to recoup the cost of acquiring that subscriber. The longer they stay, the greater their lifetime value to Spotify"

How to benchmark coal-shoveling (R&D as a factor of LTV/CAC) relative to internal operator-driven targets...especially when the founder-owner-operator bets on the product...?

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