Here’s a thread of all the folk game tiktoks I’ve been collecting for the past few months! Starting with a great use of high stakes
Building a lego set without opening the packaging
Top 1 zoom game imo
that’s the stuff right here
great use of golden retriever
Love the teens. Thank you teens you are so cool
a duel
paintball variant!
don’t forget to document your process everyone
love the asymmetry here
cannot stress enough how good a “be silent” rule is for a game
top ten tiktok right here. Don’t let the stick on top fall
high level of crowd investment
two players on one controller is always great, but this tiktok has three full acts
big jump rope
A game about keeping the performance going but also with an entire crowd!! So good
unclear if you’re only supposed to push on the drum beat??? I think so but it’s great when a rule is also more of a guideline
solitaire folk game
cinema pt 2
I think important to note here is that they’re pressing the shuffle button and not the next button. So there is both the chance of long strings of winners and long strings of consecutive losers
one of my favs
I spy with a tiktok filter omg I love them
important bonus dog here
Evolution of dvd hitting the corner is naturally blu-ray point
It’s the off camera “you’re trash” for me. Also note the swapping of seats!!!
a well oiled machine
Another entry into the enormous genre of slapping folk games
Pick up the paper with your mouth and without using your hands on the ground.
you actually love to see it
I like to fly fast and loose with my definition of what a folk game is
level design bay bee
Rock Paper Scissors is ubiquitous
love the scarf
pets can play folk games too
Amazing way to remove the price guilt while eating, to then high stakes decide it at the end.
the boys
It’s about the commitment to the game, yaknow?
extremely good
sometimes you just get got
this one was really popular on tiktok. If your opponent picks up the bowl, you have to knock the table with your knuckles
Same game but with probably a higher level of social investment
You know it’s about the quality of your banana swings and not the quantity of your banana swings
This one deservedly went viral on games twitter, a necessary inclusion
Okay but Kadeem is putting the most into it too
The feints from their head and not their hands. That’s the real stuff
100% effort and 100% execution
Another viral and necessary inclusion
The rhythm is the key!!!!
They’re so excited 😍😍
The scale and slowness at play here is choice
games existed before even people did!!!!!!!
Here it is. My all time favorite, absolutely unbeatable, tiktok folk game
Thank you all for coming, that’s all I have for now but I will add more when I see them!
Man v. Cat variant of beer pong. Love the different sized cups and the way it’s designed around where the cat bed is
Close your eyes! In real life! Do it!
As always I fly fast and loose with my definition of a folk game
Not letting your friend in until they dance along to the dance of your choice. This started I believe by people playing embarrassing songs through the speakers, and later turned into requiring the dance
I have as little context for this as you do
Folk game with added cat, which is an emerging genre apparently
There was an account on tiktok that (always to this song) found the polish flag in different pictures by zooming and cropping. And this is the REAL LIFE VERSION which is just so good
In this household we love a game with social stakes
I want every decision in my life to get me closer to living life like this person
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