Schools here have reopened and I'm teaching (mainly) in person. Here's the pre-work we did:
- Every teacher tests every 14 days
- Every student tested before we started in-person
- Ongoing student testing on a random basis
- Everyone entering campus gets a temp check

- Any class larger than 15 students must be subdivided with a vinyl curtain
- Traffic throughout the building is one-way
- Social distancing is manated throughout campus
- Masks are mandatory and teachers must wear a shield while teaching
- Vigorous contract tracing

A lot of the US commentariat who spend their time criticizing teachers and low-income families are hella gung-ho about reopening schools. But I don't hear them advocating for the institutional precautions and pre-conditions that will make reopening safer.
Look, no one wants schools to reopen more than teachers. Teaching online is unpleasant (okay, it sucks) and gave me a headache by the end of the day. But the folks screaming in the US for reopening have zero interest in the precautions that have helped it work elsewhere.
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