THREAD: Who is the Center for Tech and Civic Life...and why @TheJusticeDept needs to investigate & stop them NOW!

This week's #SovereignNation delved into @HelloCTCL 's alarming election meddling & targeted grants in battleground states.


Data: @HelloCTCL is based in Chicago and was founded in 2012. It has showered more than $6 million this year on the 5 largest cities in the crucial swing state of
Wisconsin, where @realdonaldtrump won with less than a 1 percent margin of victory.
As @vickimckenna & I discussed on #MalkinLive last week, CTCL grant recipient Madison, WI held blatantly illegal ballot harvesting events the past 2 weekends in of public parks, gathering ballots in unsecured canvas bags.

MAP: CTCL fielded over 1,100 applications nationwide for a purported “COVID-19 response grant program” to “provide funding to US local election offices to help ensure they have the critical resources they need to safely serve every voter in 2020.”

More data: @HelloCTCL staff have ZERO public health expertise & there is nothing “non-partisan” about them. COVID is a ruse for election meddling on behalf of Biden in Democratic strongholds in battleground states.

Here are its top 15 city grant recipients (all D but 1).

Who's running @HelloCTCL? Director Tiana
Epps-Johnson is a vocal Trump hater and a former Obama Foundation fellow.

Previous employers: Far left New Organizing Institute and Soros-funded Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights.
Who's FUNDING @HelloCTCL? $250 million from @ChanZuckerberg, for starters, to "hire and train poll workers." /7
Other @HelloCTCL corporate partners: Trump-hating, conservative-deplatforming Google-YouTube.

Also: @facebook, @RockTheVote Knight Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund, ebay founder and Never Trumper Pierre Omidyar's Democracy Fund.

Activist Jay Stone filed complaints in WI & w/ FEC blowing whistle on how @HelloCTCL is abusing nonprofit privilege to grant $ to heavily Dem cities & counties, w/focus on PA & WI. Pay attention to Obama involvement.

Full FEC complaint:

The Amistad Project at @thomas_more_law has filed multiple suits challenging Facebook/Google/Obama hijacking of our electoral system in battleground states.

Here's complaint filed in Minnesota, where @HelloCTCL gave Minneapolis $3 million:

Look more closely: 63 times more @helloctcl
funding for election activities has gone to Dem cities on top 15 list compared to lone Republican-run city grant recipient on the list, Saginaw, MI.

FACT: Trump won Saginaw by less than two percent of the vote.

Former Kansas AG Phil Kline is leading lawsuits vs WI, Minn., Michigan, PA, Georgia, S.C., Iowa & Texas: "It's like having private interests stuffing $ into pockets of umpire before he calls 1st ball or strike."

More data: @HelloCTCL largest county grants: $37 MILLION to 14 Democrat counties. 1 GOP county got $289k -- Hays County, TX, which Trump won by less than 1 percent.

15/ Now add St. Louis to the @helloctcl target list. $2 million about to be forked over, championed by county executive Sam Page "for the purpose of planning & operationalizing safe and secure election administration."

WAKE UP! @HelloCTCL funders/partners working hard to hijack Election Day, election offices & election data to control what we're allowed to know & when we're allowed to know it. DAs, Secretaries of State & now registrars & elex officials taken over.

If you have not watched the @TrueTheVote call-to-arms video by Catherine Engelbrecht urging patriots to GET INVOLVED on front lines of election integrity, watch NOW:

If you found the reporting in this thread & on my show useful & want more content like it, send @newsmax your feedback on #SovereignNation here ==> 

Are @helloctcl & its puppetmasters funding voter fraud in your city, county or state? Map and more info here:

Guess what else they're training their troops on? Cybersecurity. For real:
Big picture: beyond illegal ballot harvesting & hijacking 2020 Election Day, @HelloCTCL goal is “seamless, “standardized” CONTROL of all election info & discourse disguised as “civic data” engagement, but built w/anti-Trump, anti-American Google & Facebook tools. WATCH: /22
New @helloctcl update: St. Louis County council staves off Facebook/Google/Obama effort to hijack election office/poll workers/ballot harvesting. Citizen revolt needed ==>

#STOPCTCL @thejusticedept @Thomas_More_Law @truethevote @realdonaldtrump
WHERE IS THE REST OF THE RIGHT to raise hell about Zuckerberg/CTCL hijacking of our election process (are you all bought off by Silicon Valley $$$)?! And HELLO @thejusticedept ????

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