Inspired by @naval’s infamous tweet storm

How to get rich (without getting lucky):

I decided to test the principles.

Here are the surprising lessons so far...

1/30 thread


I was employed for a decade.

Addicted to my comfy pay check.

Ten years of loyal service.

Suddenly I was made redundant in one meeting.



How can I survive?

Breathe. I have some savings to pay rent and buy food.

Let’s see what I can do before they run out.

"Learn to build. Learn to sell. You’ll be unstoppable.”

Right then.



So I need an audience.

Back up. I actually need a brand.

Who am I?

What value can I add to people?

I can design and I can write.


“Building specific knowledge will feel like play to you but look like work to others.”

I love reading books on psychology, learning and creativity.

I can use Twitter to act like a wisdom notebook for myself

which others will hopefully find useful.


If I grow an audience of followers

who are interested in what I am excited by,

then they will be easier to eventually sell to

because I will understand their mindset.


I am about creativity and learning.

I brainstormed brand names relating to those areas

then used a thesaurus to look at related terms.

I played with combining different words to create something unique and memorable.


*Carving* is related to artistic endeavour.

*Thought* is related to learning and psychology.

The name was available as a .com and social handles.

We’re away.

Time to tweet.


“Write 1000 tweets before your first blog post”

The more concentrated your iterations of learning are

the quicker you become skilled.

Articulate a thought, revise it, hone it, post it.



Biggest learning on Twitter?

Make conversation as you would in REAL life.

Reply quickly to accounts you admire.

Don’t parrot - build on their insight.

Suggest strategies and resources to help readers.

Entertain or inspire people, and you’re winning.


Nurture an ENGAGED audience

It’s not just follower count which can distract - see earlier thread points.

Insightful resources:

@dvassallo - on credibility

@ComedicBizman - on copywriting

So that’s audience creation 101, but what about a product?



What can I create from scratch with no money?

Something that is a product of my own "specific knowledge".

What problem could I solve for myself

which may also help other people?


I was struggling to think.

What can I do?

Just listing my questions, skills and random ideas wasn’t enough.

I needed a way to synthesise my thoughts to help make connections...


Enter @DeeperThrill’s white boarding

"Every little thing on your mind goes onto the whiteboard.

Take a picture. Modify it. Take a picture. Keep modifying.

The structure and systems EMERGE after every little tiny thing stressing you is dumped onto a whiteboard."


I realised I actually needed something to help ME focus and be accountable.

The political and economic changes going on were taking their toll.

Plus I was at home all day, sitting next to the fridge.

How am I going to prioritise my goals and motivate myself?


My product would answer this question.

Something which helped people to get clear on what they want.

Then hold themselves accountable to ACTUALLY doing it.

Cost and energy of replication must be minimal - so it can scale.


I used a Shopify free template to build out a quick site.

I played with some gradient images which I could own.

They'd make a good abstract visual metaphor for Carving Thought.

(Unsplash is a good free image resource if you're not a designer).


Social proof is one of the most effective ways to prove your product works.

It’s human nature - people listen to others.

I asked some old colleagues to buy it

and if they didn’t think it was worth it

I would refund them and take them to dinner to find out why.


But they had to go through the checkout process and PAY for it.

They did it and a week later two out of three liked it enough to review it.

I refunded the third and got feedback - iterated and uploaded V2.

One dinner down.

Two reviews up. 😊


So how do I convince someone I’ve never met that my product is worth trying?

Review Robert Cialdini's persuasion principles:

Social proof (see earlier thread portion)
Reciprocation (give value in tweets)


I can use authority and liking to write my product description.

I described myself as an *authority* by having tested many competitors.

'Devised after spending thousands of hours using different journal planners, behaviour tracking apps and time management tools.'


I positioned my audience as ‘motivated people who maximise their day’.

This makes them imagine themselves as part of a group *like* others and how they *like* to see themselves.


I only wanted customers who genuinely got value from the product

so I offered users a complete refund if they weren't happy - no questions asked.

This shows confidence in your product and builds trust with your audience.


"Play long term games with long term people"

Existing customers are more likely to buy again

IF they like your products and trust you.


Then it happened.

My inbox for Carving Thought products had a *1* next to it.



Any entrepreneur will tell you the first sale is quite a feeling.


One key customer feedback was

"How do I FORM the habit of filling in the Blueprint?"

Atomic Habits by @jamesclear was powerful here:

'Stack' the habit with something you enjoy.

After my *favourite morning cup of coffee* I will *fill in my Daily Blueprint*.


One critical aspect of the Blueprint is expressing daily gratitude.

Key ideas in this thread have come from applying the wisdom of thoughtful accounts.

Respect to @orangebook_ who's philosophical musings have triggered some deep reflections on my purpose.


Powerful resources on strategy have been

@jackbutcher via @visualizevalue who have been very insightful

on digital business and thinking about productizing what I'm good at.


Carving Thought is just getting started.

If you've found this thread useful

please retweet the first tweet and like each one after it.

I'll keep building and sharing with you.

Big love to all the supporters so far!

You can follow @CarvingThought.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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