Small acts of resistance: this is our list.
We want it to grow.

DM your suggestions – or add them as comments.
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Become the droplets of water that form a tsunami.

#1 small ACTS of resistance #1

help someone

empathy is the powerhouse of ethical change….

#2 small ACTS of resistance #2

buy less, buy local or don’t buy at all…

reducing consumption is a revolutionary act

#3 small ACTS of resistance #3


this small act is actually pretty big
question everything said by the powerful; they’d rather you didn’t

#4 small ACTS of resistance #4

mock the powerful

authoritarians and bullies hate your insight and laughter

#5 small ACTS of resistance #5


learn as much as you can about as much as you can: knowledge is power

#6 small ACTS of resistance #6


share as widely as you can the history & actions of authoritarian politicians; they hate it: it shows them for what they are

#7 small ACTS of resistance #7


hijack adverts using graffiti, action, memes or art to deliver a radical message

#8 small ACTS of resistance #8

use asymmetrical messaging: spray can, leaflet, poster, voice

they have the media & the money; we’ve got graffiti

#9 small ACTS of resistance #9

communicate asymmetrically: deface, reframe, reposition, refute

they’ve got the cash & the media: we’ve got US

#10 small ACTS of resistance #10

challenge lies and propaganda whenever you hear or see them

be quick to respond; don’t let the lies gain traction

#11 small ACTS of resistance #11

tell anyone/everyone about the promise of a better world

why should autocrats and billionaires define what’s possible?

#12 small ACTS of resistance #12

right-wing mags, leaflets, newspapers? You know what to do….

bung them in recycling, turn them face down on their stands, put better publications on top

#13 small ACTS of resistance #13

put mocking magazines or books over/next to the images of authoritarians

Thanks, @DocMcfly
#14 small ACTS of resistance #14

hit back at the biased media

refute, mute, boycott & block the billionaire news media, e.g. the Liverpool boycott or Twitter’s #IBlockedTheSun

#15 small ACTS of resistance #15

at election times buy the gutter press to bin it

clear out a small newsagent of The S*n or Mail for a day or two….

Thanks, @stylophobia
#16 small ACTS of resistance #16

switch off TV or radio when mainstream news incoming

corporate propagandists hate losing their audience

Thanks, @BStott9
#17 small ACTS of resistance #17

before you back a politician check their record:
Are they decent? Are they consistent? Are they honest?

UK MP’s voting records can be checked here: 

#18 small ACTS of resistance #18

visit the timelines or conversations of known populists and bigots; set the record straight

they’ve got a platform…. but so have we

#19 small ACTS of resistance #19

mute, block, act contrarily to or deliberately ignore advertising

we don’t need more sh**…. and if they’re paying to spread that muck it’s probably bad for the planet

#20 small ACTS of resistance #20

radicalise yourself

read everything you can about humanism, environmentalism, socialism; they are vaccines against selfishness

#21 small ACTS of resistance #21

promote ethics and human rights

educate yourself & others re online psychological profiling, data security, voting manipulation and psych ops. Learn from Finland

Thanks, @Jojo67460456
#22 small ACTS of resistance #22

challenge aggression, both in yourself and others

aggression atomises and divides us; empathy and cooperation are our greatest assets

#23 small ACTS of resistance #23

put your emotional distress into positive creative action

focus on one thing, no matter how modest or how wild; just do it….

Thanks, @Jojo67460456
#24 small ACTS of resistance #24

work-to-rule if your job or pay are demeaning

why ease the way of the establishment or line the pockets of the rich?

#25 small ACTS of resistance #25

join a campaign/union/mutual aid group

the biggest threat to the powerful are people acting in solidarity – there’s more of us than them

Thanks, @ValueSurplus
#26 small ACTS of resistance #26

speak to strangers, speak to your neighbours

loneliness and atomisation are a weapon against us

#27 small ACTS of resistance #27

if someone disagrees with you, don't insult or block them unless they’re clearly bots or trolls

engage; act the way you want the world to be

Thanks, @guyinaredtie1
#29 small ACTS of resistance #29

grow stuff

anything green uses up CO2

#30 small ACTS of resistance #30

Grow (some of) your own food

Just one crop (even in a pot) gives you more control over what you eat and how it's grown

Thank you, @sophiejayhudson
#31 small ACTS of resistance #31

plant a tree

guerrilla planting; roadside planting; garden planting…. why wait for the state to act?

#32 small ACTS of resistance #32

become vegan or as close to vegan as you can manage

intensive animal farming is not only disastrous for the planet, it’s also horribly cruel

#33 small ACTS of resistance #33

travel less

travelling has become an act of consumption; staying local an act of rebellion

#34 small ACTS of resistance #34

work from home if you can

save money, protect the planet, stay safe

#35 small ACTS of resistance #35

buy local produce and goods

keep food and product miles to a minimum and help local communities become sustainable

#36 small ACTS of resistance #36

when you receive your takeaway at the drive-through unpack & return the excess packaging before you move on

don’t indulge their waste

Thanks, @JohnFos00105853
#37 small ACTS of resistance #37

use your local pubs, cafés & restaurants when you go out for drinks or meals

boycott the mega-chains; give the finger to their greedy owners

Thanks, @vikingowl
#38 small ACTS of resistance #38

don’t burn stuff or use transport that burns stuff

gas, petrol, wood, coal, bio-fuels – they all generate greenhouse gases

#39 small ACTS of resistance #39

avoid/switch off GMB/Lorraine type 'sales tv' programmes

they’re pure avenues for advertising, encouraging throwaway fashion; don't buy anything they promote

Thanks, @AOnewith
#40 small ACTS of resistance #40

uninvited pre-paid envelopes for credit cards etc – fill them with something heavy and post them right back

whichever company’s trying to scam you pays the postage; maybe they’ll learn?

Thanks, @EthicalUprising
#42 small ACTS of resistance #42

bear witness to police action whenever you can

police are necessary and often good, but they easily fall prey to establishment values, no matter how anachronistic or outdated

#43 small ACTS of resistance #43

give up or cut down on a costly bad habit

drugs, smoking/vaping, alcohol all make you poorer and less healthy & the dealer richer and nastier

Thanks, @PeterG4NES2019
#44 small ACTS of resistance #44

donate what you’d spend on a film/theatre/lottery ticket to alt media, community support orgs, ethical tech replacement coops etc

our small contributions can help bring about the change we need

Thanks, @Jojo67460456
#45 small ACTS of resistance #45

make it plain what you think of drivers of big cars

small is beautiful; so is electric; and bikes and public transport better

#46 small ACTS of resistance #46

share a simple morality
-nurture those around you
-nurture humanity
-nurture and protect the biological world

simplicity is strength

#47 small ACTS of resistance #47

love and protect ALL animals

yes, in today’s selfish world love and protection is an act of resistance…

Thanks, @tandoreo
#48 small ACTS of resistance #48

teach yourself and others how to see through the propaganda and lies….

digital literacy and a clear ethical focus are crucial in our propagandised world

Thanks, @Jojo67460456
#49 small ACTS of resistance #49

Want to help the poor?

Local Credit Unions provide cheap loans, keeping the vulnerable away from loan sharks and banks. Unused cash? Open an account - instant access and fully protected.

#50 small ACTS of resistance #50

be hopeful

hope inspires; hope empowers; hope is an act of defiance

#51 small ACTS of resistance #51

be kind

kindness is our most powerful weapon against power-hunger, selfishness and greed

Thanks, @AnneDel81230567
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