I’m so damn annoyed abt fandom tbh. Just everything abt fandoms. And if I had an actual life I’d prob just disappear.
I’m just tired of the back & forth abt the same stupid shit. Tired of folks taking one interpretation of anything being different than theirs being seen as a personal attack. And if you don’t agree w the majority you’re some type of loser. Or if you like canon you’re the problem
I think what truly pisses me off is my own take abt something being seen as “this could hurt people’s feelings”. Like whose feelings? Why does my small take abt something fictional gonna hurt their feelings? Why do I have to worry abt weird potential whatever of my own amusement?
I could literally say “BLANK enjoys cheese” and have some random motherfucker who is lactose intolerant and thus headcanoned BLANK as lactose intolerant sub tweet me abt being insensitive and someone else agreeing that we should be considerate abt ppl who don’t eat cheese.
It’s like...are you for real? Is this really a hill folks want to die on? But amazingly, yes it is. And it’s not just once it’s multiple times and for the smallest random shit. I just don’t understand it.
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