The "mansplaining" frame is a method of demonizing normative male behavior. The project is to demoralize males and make them submit to feminine (institutional) authority—say, credentials as opposed to knowing things because you like learning and sharing what you learned.
I think it's fair to poke fun at the proclivities of the sexes: Hank Hill going on about propane, women telling you about how they had a piece of toast for breakfast—but the prime mansplain complainers are anything but "fun". They are mean, manhating shrikes who want power.
I'm thinking again how this feed should be producing an animated comedy.
Yes. The thing that most galls about the hysterical crusade to punish the sin of mansplaining is that most supposed examples of the act stem from the man being lonely and trying to connect with the communication skills and patterns he has. It's just sad.
Dudes are lonely. So are women. Maybe the gender specialists at magazines should focus on getting men and women to get along better, despite their differences. Isn't that a nice idea?
Remember the article about how CRT is depressogenic and anxiety provoking, the opposite of CBT? A lot of modern "experts" and "watchdogs" are like that: they give advice that is bound to make people lonely, depressed, and, critically, desperate enough to trust in "experts".
Similar to the Peter Principle, in expectation the advice of all professional public advice givers will tend to be terrible and geared to lead the person unwary enough to follow it to become more and more dependent on the advice giver.
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