I’ve adapted my EOS as real estate analogy to better describe http://block.one ‘s proposed changes to the EOS resource model.
Although not perfect, it may help some people better understand the proposed changes.

Currently: Owning EOS is analogous to owning a piece of real estate.

The EOS you buy gives you property rights to the resources contained within the tokens you own.
Taking an office block (skyscraper) as the real estate for this example; your EOS tokens currently grant you ownership rights to a certain amount of office space within the entire skyscraper. The more tokens you own - the larger your office space.
You can currently use your office (resource) yourself or you can rent it out for income, the choice is yours. If you neither occupy the office space yourself or rent it out to someone else, then there’s an un-utilised office sitting idle and empty.
Under the new resource model, if you own EOS tokens, you no longer own your own piece of office space, instead you own a stake in the entire building.
As a stake holder in the building as opposed to the owner of compartmentalised office space, if you want to use the EOS network under the new model, then you essentially have to rent the building off yourself (even if you own a bunch of EOS).
If you want to pay little to no rent to use the network (an office), then you can use the income you receive from your stake in the entire property to do so.
As a network user and owner of EOS tokens, in order to get free use of the EOS blockchain - you would need to recycle income from your stake in the building to pay the rent for the required amount of office space each month (network usage).
What this does, is it allows all idle and empty office space within the building to be rented out.

Currently, you can choose to not use your office within the building, lock it, and not rent it out which creates a restriction on resources within the building.
Under the newly proposed resource model - All offices will have a credit card machine attached to the door and anyone who pays a market fee can gain entry and utilise the office resources that they’ve paid for that month.
Under the new model, your private key is no longer the key to your office, instead, you have a key to a safety deposit box within the lobby of the building whereby a share of income from the entire property is automatically deposited to you - proportional to your stake.
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