havent made some bold predictions lately, lemme try in this thread

im noticing a correlation between internet speeds and the design of dominant social media/networks

twitter wont be so much replaced by another social network as will the paradigm of the way we communicate change
from 0G - 2G, communicated was via calls and texts.
social networks were primarily on the internet, via dial up, forums and boards and email networks. the internet looked rather different. the internet being the spine of communication layers. https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1105459841760481281?s=20
its important to note, how different the world was in previous generations... i think now that we live in the internet age... development should be tracked along side internet speed... not economics... not intelligence nor education levels... but through internet connection.
why do i advocate the internet becoming the main defacto economic tool of the world? because the world development is now directly tied to internet connection...

with the lockdown... this has been accelerated

the biggest upticks in internet business.

so development of humanity is directly linked to development of the internet in the post internet age we live, so each technological leap is directly affected by the internet... the culture of 3G humanity WILL BE DIFFERENT TO 5G HUMANITY and 6G and so on https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1291497111268274176
why am i bringing up past internet phases... the world has changed at rapid paces we went from

- forums -1G ?
- myspace - 2G
- facebook - 3G
- twitter - 4G

its important to remember the history of the internet. each gen has been a huge leap in how we communicate
1G we would meet people and call, the internet was a trivial thing, 2G we would text... this gave rise to texting culture

a new language based on condensing text into limited character spaces as each character cost money... memetic evolution.. incentivised and nudged behaviour
dis txtn clture took off n ppl talkd in a new manner

this is the main backbone of my thesis on how communication technology shapes culture in the post internet age... the limits of the technology limit and thus shape the culture that INEVITABLY forms from it

its reflexive.
now 3G is when shit started to really take off and the world has changed in such a manner it is hard to conceptualise a time before it.

it was so big... that steve jobs named an iphone after the technology. welcome to mobile internet browsing, and thus internet applications.
although i think internet applications are more or less dead, and this ties in to what i think will replace twitter as a dominant internet behemoth. before internet apps... mobile groups like blackberry messenger or chat forums were more popular https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1293506272185192449?s=20
internet apps through a faster internet speed and latency, made it so that more people can access a wider range of uses for their phones. this was only due to the availability of 3G, a better graphical interface and a touch screen interface dramatically changed the way we talk
the main modes of communication changed from texting and emailing and internet forums to communicating while on the internet... this was when facebook started to gain prominence in areas outside of where it started. it was coincided with demise of blackberry and nokia
looking back we can see so many things in hindsight that look coincidental but they dramatically shaped the outcomes... demise of nokia, rise of the iphone, apple bet big on 3G... nokia didnt... they lost. with these big companies whole ecosystems shift... internet is landscape
many layered upon companies simply did not keep up with new technological innovations and they were put to pasture. this is the history of business

another example would be netflix. they didnt take off until base layer tech INFRASTRUCTURE was there for them to build on.
as mentioned above, i think internet access and development should be targeted as an economic target and measure... even going so far as to calling it a human right.

its infrastructure to our modern society.
its as needed as maintained roads. https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1099821823267667968?s=20
on y axis, tech impact, on x axis, time.

one thing to mention before finalising, there is lag... there are still entire companies that use windows XP, a good system but vastly outdated... there are always laggards, area undercurve to left is increasing

it means that technological impacts of subsequent technological innovations and developments will be increasingly more disruptive and decisive. although a counter argument to this would be we are still in early part of a kondratiev wave

very relevant https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/982814237566185472?s=20
older technologies, which became infrastructure... having so many other technologies built upon them get harder to remove.

the same too happens with social media... but its harder to see.

conditions... have to be just right, much is engineered luck https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1117502008066551808?s=20
this is why when people tell me they r working on a social media.. i think its kinda pointless as the the space is much like and ecosphere, a tree falling gives rise to saplings to grow. or they have to wait for a new internet infrastructure to take hold, this also can be seen...
in 3rd world countries, where they are on a slight delay of social media usage for instance india or africa probably use facebook more than twitter as a % of total use, which would be different in different societies based on their internet connections and speeds.
to combat this, social media make low res versions or data light browser versions in order to increase usage in slow internet speed societies

we dont have flying cars... but 280 characters... thats because you were looking at the wrong thing, humans are narrative based
social media can be tracked along side internet speed and usage, it may seem like a coincidence how facebook took off, but the conditions were ripe and just right enough... a slight difference in load speed affects user retention rates and thus ad revenue and thus profits.
facebook wants to increase the internet and provide internet to countries that dont have it because internet access is correlated with social media usage, and they want to increase their profits... this is also a case of nationalising social media... since they became so vital
to loop back, with 4G we are seeing an increase in image based communication in real time, via video chat.. much of the world now revolves around video conference calls.. and emojis... which are also like texting changing our culture and how we speak and thus via memetics, think
emojis are sneakily a huge part of our culture, much lyk how texting culture was. 😳

we will look back when they are dead

an image based culture... hence the rise of instagram.. which is slowly becoming an "end to end" or full stack company https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1299035066295779328?s=20
now at the tail end of 4G there are no discrete lines of technological leaps mind you... it happens slowly then all at once.. we are seeing an uptick in video communication and the dominant design to profit off of this... tiktok.

which is being chased by instagram, youtube, snap
the tail end of 5G will see more mixed reality and with that, twitter will drop from popularity as reality would have changed where it is no longer the favoured mode of communication, slowly then all at once. if it fails to keep up that is. 6G is being worked on as we speak...
so what will replace twitter is a form of augmented reality communication platform more so than any text based social media.. all the low hanging fruit of this internet era have been picked, even the next era, they are starting to dominate, zoomers on zoom and tiktok
post script.. on the increasing lag and technological pact of technological development...
some quick stats :

fat tail society. https://twitter.com/GRITCULTTweets/status/1287420159670595585
post post script.

Been in many many meetings today. One cut out and my internet dropped, was disconnected for 10 minutes.

also me monitoring and trading

all reliant on internet speeds and connection.

i may create an app that measures internet speed and real estate prices.
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