hello yes it is here https://twitter.com/metadiogenes/status/1308103278736048128
"The 'Lost Giants' are gradually being discovered again, for their presence lingers in the landscape as a perpetual reminder of past glory. They form physical and spiritual remnants from a lost world. It is the purpose of the speculative mythologist to reclothe these bones."
"The journey towards awareness of the structural geometry of existent reality. In the Ancient Writings this is all diligently recorded, but in an extremely tortuous and esoteric context."
land under wave
"This book utterly rejects the authoritarian approach to the study of 'History' and attempts to present a more wide-ranging thesis based on researches carried out in wildly differing fields, such as Mythology, Folklore, Psychometry, Radiesthesia, and Speculative Archeology."
worried i'm too sober to read this book at the moment
now we are learning about how the archetype theory of Jung provides an alchemical method for extracting evidence of Atlantis from the images and signs of the collective unconscious. this is all from the preface.
Atlantis was the successor to the more ancient empire of Mu, "the Theosophists' Lemuria", itself also a sunken continent. It existed in the Pacific 50,000 years ago with global colonies, and was destroyed at the height of its glory by a "wandering comet grazing the atmosphere".
"Such were the theories of Col. Churchward and Ignatius Donnelly."
The Atlanteans' thaumaturgical science was based on harnessing the ley lines of "electro-magnetic force that lie just above and below the surface of the earth." "The world they ultimately built was materially secure and spiritually mature."
"Albion in those days must have been infinitely richer in the natural beauty [...] which is now everywhere declining. As the vitalizing spirit leaves the land so it falls barren, and all living things dwindle and retreat before the inexorable encroachments of the 'modern world'."
"The Atlantean Wizards built the 'temple of the stars' to carry the powers of the universe down to this green planet and, from the Somerset landscape today, the huge figures of earth and sky are emerging once again to haunt the minds of the seekers."
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