Men ALWAYS pay for sex one way or another... I hear this particular falsehood a lot, most recently from @leanlifecoach12 so I’ve decided to explain to everybody why this is not true.

The first thing to keep in mind is that sex is not for sale, as Rollo once put it -

“Genuine desire cannot be negotiated”.

When men pay for “sex” what they’re buying is actually access to a womans vagina.

Sex has desire on both sides of the interaction, the richest men can pay millions for an escort and not buy SEX like a broke guys wife gives him.
Money does change hands when sex is “free”. But it changes hands between men and other men.

The men who own my clubs? The men who own my restaurants? Yes they all get paid.

That is because FUN is a key part of charming a female, and fun things make you spend cash.
But sex is all about the woman’s mindset at the time. My women, at the end of the night or week or MONTH go to bed with me thinking “OMG I want to have sex with Tristan” not “I’ll let him fuck me because it benefits me financially in X way”

That’s what makes it beautiful.
A woman doesn’t calculate my bar and restaurant bills and think my investment justifies vaginal access.

They are aware that their bank balance shifts by exactly 0 euros after our night together, their mindset and choice is based strictly on the sexual interaction itself.
With this in mind? Men like me would rather spend a BILLION euros on a fun week that lets you show off your character and lifestyle to make a woman think I may be a good future prospect than to spend 100 euros on the “sex” alone.
Because once money changes hands between the participants it no longer is qualified to be called sex.

It may be sex for ME, but for her? It’s business. And the fact that I had to play that card to get her to let me fuck makes me the beta in the transaction.
Men do not “always pay for sex one way or another”. Im paying other men, to entertain my friends and guests.

The sex ALWAYS costs nothing. Each time a woman decides to come to bed with me, it’s because she desires me sexually, which is what sex is.
Buying a meal at a nice restaurant is more expensive than an escort. But by no means have I paid for sex, what I’ve paid for is dinner, food, wine.

It is not the same sport, it isn’t even the same fucking ball park.

I had this discussion with @RenegadePlayboy recently, he knew.
To teach young men that paying for dinner and paying for anal are the same fucks their mindset up!

It teaches them a false equivalence between the two.

And I could write a whole NEW thread on the women who fuck for neither fun dinners nor cash.
Some women will come to your house because they find you sexually attractive, drink a Pepsi then fuck.

Only a moron will argue that I paid “1.50 for sex” in this circumstance.

No. You don’t always pay for sex.

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