What's happening in Hong Kong now? CPC tackling Hong Kong people's concerns by social housing projects.

两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。While BBC, NYT, AP, AFP, Reuters join forces with Pentagon in waging the media war on China, latter is developing the economy and tourism
2/ in Xinjiang collectively raising people out of poverty. Do you know what's happening in HK now?

The Chinese government partnered with the real estate developers' association are working on a vast ambitious social housing project on Guishan Island in HK to improve the
3/living conditions of 800,000 poorest HK people who are living in cages now. CPC is putting a stop to the oligarchs' privileges especially those of Li Jiacheng. The astronomical profits he and others have swallowed, they're invited to spit out some for the welfare
4/ of Hong Kong people. China has been building social housing projects in Angola, why hasn't it built the same in HK?
Truth is it tried to, but encountered opposition. Now CPC has figured out that whatever it does will encounter opposition and vicious slander. This time,
5/ CPC will go ahead not withstanding the hurt interests of the "haves".

If the housing problem is not solved in HK, people will still go in the streets year in year out to protest. What are the Western media
6/ going to report on the CPC efforts to improve the living conditions of HK people? "Ulterior motive", "Concentration camp", "Ghost town", "Democratic cage is better than authoritarian housing", "Don't move into the spacious housing, they might be wired"...This is not a joke...
7/ This is exactly how Western media has reported on all China's achievements.

CPC intends to aggressively take over the narrative on Xinjiang and on Hong Kong, not by PR offensive which It is not good at, but by bona fide concrete actions and projects. Deng Xiaoping said
8/ after 1989, "The question of development must be solved by development". So true, the busting of the Western narrative on China shall be done by the concrete economic development. I guess first batch of HK people moving into the socialist housing won't include the protesters?
9/ They would be so against it... 😨
The salary of a graduate of HK University is just a few hundred dollars a month. The development of a high tech hub was nipped in the bud by real estate tycoons. The situation is not normal. The CPC is tackling the problem, taking the
10/ bull by the horns. It's building the
underlying infrastructure to create an integrated bay area, drawing inspiration from the San Francisco bay area. If the resources of a vast area are integrated and can be reached within one hour's travel by a multiple ways ie,
11/ fast trains, high way, via bridges...
etc, the economic fallouts will be tremendous. The job earning prospects of the Hong Kong young people will be vastly improved. To achieve this, the government needs the cooperation and good will of the HK people, not the latter
12/ screaming "democracy" everyday. Besides being stupid and ridiculous, democracy can't feed you, can't house you, can't provide employment. The CPC is called the "earthy communists". It's a good name. It's down to earth. Taking real down-to-earth steps to solve problems.
13/ CIA/NED can't do this. The US initiated cold war is doomed to fail. You can't force the Hong Kong people, Xinjiang people, Africans etc to refuse concrete projects destined to pull them out of poverty,
14/ My above thread is translated and inspired from this YouTube video. Yan Talk.
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