I finally figured out why this happens last night, and I'm so much more at ease mentally. It's not a pretty picture for the so-called liberal elite. https://twitter.com/rdbrandt/status/1309585323517767680
There's a simple explanation for why the lower class on the right and the upper class on the right unite into a single coalition very naturally. They're not bourgeois.
The working class generally understand that there are elites in society, and that genuine elites have earned fabulous lives where they get somewhat different rules. They sometimes aspire to maybe, if they're lucky, one day join that class, but mostly they think it's fitting.
What the working class hates with great hate are fake elite posers (the bourgeois) who pretend to be people's betters without producing anything of any real value and then believe they're above the rest of society and the rules, except they didn't earn it.
Much of the working class perceives this very, very clearly, and they don't actually hate elites, even if they say they do. They hate the bourgeois fake elites who are the posers who produce no real value except pretense and self-importance.
This isn't to say that the working class values privilege, as the idiot Theorists believe. They usually hate it too. They don't have love for the useless spoiled brat kids of the real elites, who are more or less bourgeois once removed. They hate the bourgeois, though.
The Democrats have slowly become the party of the bourgeois fake elites over the last few decades, and the majority of the working class resents them more than they can even put words to. Death of expertise? No, death of fake expertise with some collateral damage.
What the working class, the guy who voted for Obama out of hope and then Trump four years later, hates more than anything is pretentious better-than-you fake elite bourgeois posing. They see straight through it and hate it. Wokeness is that. They hate it. So is a lot else.
The so-called "liberal media" isn't *liberal* media. It's bourgeois media, putting out the fake right opinions for the snobby yuppie shits (bourgeois) who like to believe they're better than the underclass that's actually mostly outperforming them when they can find work.
What the working class hates is *performative elitism* (i.e., being bourgeois), but they respect the hell out of real elites. They tend to share this in common with the rich, white-collar right, so they find much common cause with people who may or may not care about them.
Of course, Marx and the Frankfurt School fucks were all bourgeois too. The Iron Law of Woke Projection applies there too. They were fake elites pretending they had shit to say about capitalism, liberalism, science, and "positivism," but they were imposter syndrome frauds.
Wokeness is a species. The 1968 New Left was a species. Marx and beta-max Engels represented a species. The genus is the bourgeoisie, named after the fake-nobility middlemen of France in the century that preceded their nasty revolution, do-littles who scooped up all the wealth.
And what was the bourgeois Frankfurt School's big focus? Figuring out why the working class voted against its interests, just like the bourgeois fucks of today sneering down at the Deplorables with their simple lives and based opinions. Same, same, same.
What the pragmatic elites on the right and the working class share in common is a set of values that believes in working your way to the top and getting some privilege out of it as a reward, plus well-deserved contempt for the sneering bourgeois posers who think they're all that.
PS: The Democrats stopped being the party of the working class--their natural charge--some time ago, probably in the 1960s, and became the party of the bourgeoisie. That's why they lose all the damn time. Nobody likes the bourgeoisie, not even themselves.
PPS: The bourgeoisie tends to be eaten up by what Nietzsche described as "ressentiment," which is a kind of curdled envy. They wish they were good enough to be elite but aren't but think too highly of themselves to come down to Earth and get a real job.
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