A thread of a few reasons wholeheartedly trusting digital security is a bad idea.
There are a number of ways cops can use your phone against you. Encryption is great, but they can bypass it illegally and use other legal but tenuous reasons to prosecute you. 1/x
Heres a crappy article spelling out how bad all cellphones are with security:


The mic & camera can be remote turned on. So after the protest when you go home with a virus from the local PDs fake cell tower, they can spy on you with impunity. 7/x
The geofencing warrants previously mentioned plus this last bit means they can get a warrant for invasive stuff from you being in a protest, track you home, listen in on you, figure out who else is there, then because they can use RICO on us, get into that persons phone too. 8/x
“But I use a burner phone at protests!”
All you have to do is mess up once & have its battery in while having your regular phones battery in, or have the switchover happen in the same place. Ever forgot your wallet at home? Its that level forgetfulness that’s totally damning 9/x
What can be done then?
Well, nothing. We use Signal and other security measures to POSTPONE the inevitable, not stop it. We as revolutionaries are doomed. They will catch us eventually. Just be smart about it and stay alive long enough to do something meaningful. 10/x
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