If you are angry about the laundaries, if we are so ashamed of them. Why the HELL are we allowing the same order of nuns to open a centre for women being abused in dp? Why are they allowed to run a service to ‘save’ women from prostitution. Why are they allowed to lobby for laws
That have cause a 92% increase in voilence toward sex workers. They’re causing insurmountable harm and we are just turning a blind eye. How much more harm can they be allowed cause
Ruhama is the name of the agency they are now operating under, if you google there’s tons of articles and i linked some at the bottom. They’re funded by the state and have received 14.4 million from the hse since 2006. This order of nuns pushed for the Swedish model to be passed
Which has been disastrous for human trafficking efforts,violence against sex workers, and so much more harm. They are 2 groups that formerly ran laundaries. Ireland is not as progressive as you think.
I’m seriously worried about them being allowed to open a centre for women in direct provision. We have seen their history we know it and we are going to just allow it to repeat itself ? We can’t
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