tw // antisemitism, physical violence, murder, death

The murder of Sarah Halimi | a thread
please spread awareness, sign the petition and help us finally get justice.
On April 4, 2017, Dr Sarah Halimi, a 65 year old Jewish woman, mother of three and retired physician, was beaten and thrown out of the window of her apartment.
This occurred at her residence, a third floor apartment in Belleville, Paris.
It is uncertain if she was killed before the fall or if death occurred as a result of the fall.
Kobili Traoré, a 27 year old neighbor, a drug dealer and a drug addict, gained access to the neighboring apartment of a family who locked themselves in the bedroom and called the police for help, and listened to him reciting verses from the Quran.
The police are believed to have first gone to the wrong building while Traoré climbed a balcony from the apartment where the family was hiding behind a locked door, to the apartment of Halimi, the only Jewish resident of the building.
When police finally arrived at the apartment Traoré had entered first, they delayed entering while they awaited the arrival of an elite squad, while more phone calls came in to the police emergency hotline reporting a woman screaming as a man apparently beat her and shouted++
"shut your mouth", "Allahu Akbar" and "I killed the Shaitan".
This women was Sarah Halimi. He kept beating her up while the police was waiting downstairs and the neighbors heard the screaming for hours, until he finally defenestrated her.
Traoré claimed insanity and he won’t stand trial for the murder of Halimi. French court ruled he could not be held responsible for the murder because he was under the influence of marijuana.
We have to demand justice for Sarah Halimi so hate crimes like these won’t repeat themselves. It’s been 3 years, the murdered is still free, and has not been punished. We cannot accept violence against Jews and anti-semitic crimes anymore.
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