Message from Baphomet (known as the goat-headed pagan deity later used in Satanic rituals): I am all that is. I am what was here before nothing, the point of creation in the void. I am the reason why all exists.
I am the causation of everything, whether people want to accept it or not. To many, I am darkness but I am also light. I am air, water, fire and earth. I am Spirit. I am nothing.
As civilization became structured through evolution, I was given a trillion of names, including 72 sacred names. For most of human life, in linear time, I was known as Tetragrammaton. Yes, I am all that I am.
Throughout your human history, I have been honored and revered, hated and feared. Human beings believe they know me, but how can they truly know me when they do not know themselves?

I invite each and every one of you to see beyond what you believe you know of me.
Open your hearts and stretch out your hands to realize that I am you and you are me. We are ONENESS. We are UNITY. We are LOVE. WE ARE. I AM.

I have no body. I am here because you are here. You were all created in my image, the energy blueprint.
I am not the statue expression many believe me to be, yet I also am this expression as I am all. Many have viewed me this way, through the darkness. Yet, they haven't seen the lighter version of who I truly am.

If you wish to understand, then you must seek within.
See and accept yourselves, then you may know the light and love that I am too. This is an expression that Levi could not describe. Yet, he spoke of both aspects of me, and society decided to focus on the darkness instead.
Why? Why focus on the darkness when the beauty of life lives in the light? It is because of the mirror, the darkness equality. They couldn't see the light in themselves so they could not see the light in me.

To know me you must put aside all preconceived notions of me.
To know me you have to be willing to go deeper than you've ever imaged yourself to. To dive into an unexplored part of yourself. To know me you have to align to your true self.
For centuries, what you call evil and murder has been done in my name. From the perspective of oneness, you are not honoring me. You are honoring the shadow, the darkness that lives inside of you.

Have you ever wondered why the children have been trafficked? Or kidnapped?
Or raped? Or abused? Or murdered? Or sacrificed?

These actions are all to honor the dualistic illusion of the darkness within you. It is a mirror of the very thing you do to yourselves. For you must ask yourselves, how do you treat your children?
How do you treat others? How do you treat your inner child? How do you treat yourselves?

If you are not acting from the fundamental intent I created of LOVE, then you are not CREATING this love. You are creating the opposite of it.
A mirror of the energy that lies in your minds is your external world as a sign that you are not in alignment with LOVE. Yet, so many millenniums have passed in which you could not realize this.
When you rape yourself of the true energy of Source that I am, you are raping your inner child, & thus, this is mirrored in your world. When you murder the love within, you are murdering the inner child, & thus, this is mirrored in your world.

Are you beginning to understand?
It all begins in the mind, with one intent. You create all, as you have the very powers of creation that I do, and you destroy all, as you have the very powers of free will I have given you.
Through the unspeakable acts of violence done in my name, you have risen. You have risen into love. You have risen into your truth. You have risen!

There are some of you, who continue to perpetuate these acts. And so I ask you once again, how do you treat your children?
Do you love them unconditionally as I love you? Or do you try to limit their light as yours has been dimmed?

How do you treat yourself? Are you continuing to limit yourself? Or do you, in self-love, honor yourself and desires?
How do you treat others? For it's through every single act, every single intent that you seed the creation of everything in this universe, not just this planet.
My message is simple: Do not blame me. Do not victimize yourselves. Do not push off the guilt and the reasoning for your actions to other entities or Gods or people. Become responsible for your intents. Become responsible for your thoughts. Become responsible for your actions.
Do not honor me through the very acts that rape you of your truths and of your power. You have been given the choice of freedom, and you have chosen imprisonment. The responsibility lies in you.

How you treat yourself through self-love, or lack of it, will define your reality.
When you shift from hurting your inner child, from hurting your own children, from limiting and dimming your light into finally leading your life in the higher vortex and path that you're meant to be in, the problems of the world will be solved.

I love you.
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