What is #ADHD? - A thread 🧵

ADHD is a genetic condition that changes the way that the brain develops. It is linked to a bunch of different genes throughout the genome. ADHD clusters in families.
(Hint. Hint.) https://twitter.com/StructuredSucc/status/1291028940589600770
The main symptoms of ADHD include difficulty regulating 1) attention, 2) movement, 3) impulsivity, and 4) emotions.

What these look like look different from person to person and situation to situation, but some examples include:

- distracted easily
- shorter attention span
- forgetful, especially short-term memory
- trouble staying on task in sensory-rich environments
- careless mistakes
- struggle with organization
- struggles with motivation

- compelled to move
- speaks and/or move especially quickly
- prone to squirm or fidget
- struggle to stay seated
- has go, go, go attitude
- talks excessively
- struggles with waiting
- restless

- speak or act without thinking
- prone to speak out of turn
- eat or spend money on impulse
- general lack of self-control
- interrupts others

- prone to big emotional responses
- emotional responses come on quickly
- emotional sensitive, especially to rejection
- struggles to contain emotion
Depending on how ADHD'ers present, they may be labelled with one of the three 'types' of ADHD. These types are labelled at diagnosis, but can change overtime

For those who primarily struggle with regulating attention, they are referred to as primarily inattentive or ADHD-PI
For those who primarily struggle with hyperactivity and impulsivity, they are referred to as primarily hyperactive-impulsive or ADHD-HI

When an ADHD'er is struggles with all of these areas, they are said to have a Combined presentation (ADHD-C).
Everyone experiences ADHD symptoms from time to time, but for ADHD'ers symptoms are constant and damaging.

To be diagnosed, ADHD must negatively impact employment, school, social, or family life and these impacts can be severe https://twitter.com/StructuredSucc/status/1270428700404862983
Only trained professionals (such as psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors) can diagnose ADHD.

If you think you have ADHD, you should reach out to them. A thread on diagnosis will come soon
You can follow @StructuredSucc.
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