The first house in #astrology actually corresponds with your first breath. It is not often mentioned but the 1st house shows the conditions of your early home environment; along with the 4th house.
The first house holds our rising sign and/or ascendant. This shows the mask that we developed early in childhood as a survival mechanism. This is the doorway to the natal chart; however not everyone will be given approval to enter this doorway 🎭
People that have a sun sign the same as the rising sign are as they appear to be. Other people are more complex.
I don’t know what other astrologers use. Personally I use the ruling planet of the rising sign as the chart ruler. Anytime a planet transits your ruling planet you are undergoing a major change & shift in the way you present yourself.
You always want to look at the house that holds your chart ruler this also adds a certain flavor to your personality and how you are perceived.
The 1st house like the 10th house is very visible; it’s what everyone sees. It’s Front Street. The angular houses in Astrology have the strongest energy and planets here are also felt the most
When planets; particularly personal planets are in the first house they take on Aries like traits. They will be self oriented, direct and forceful
Sun ☀️ in the 1st can be seen as direct, forceful, confident, pushy, outgoing and warm depending on the Sun & Ascendant aspects. This person will take the lead easily they have to be aware of being bossy and overbearing
Moon 🌙 in the first house usually has an appearance that fluctuates changes in hair color, mmannerisms and weight are likely. This person is emotionally sensitive and can be seen as a moody. Emotions are difficult to hide & are often visible
Mercury in the first house 🗣 often has nervous energy. They can be nailbiters, smokers and have anxious energy. They are likely easily bored & can’t sit still. Likely quick witted and excessive talkers. They also usually have a youthful appearance and are interesting
Venus in the 1st can appear charming/attractive accommodating I want to be clear this is not necessarily the truth this is just how the person appears. The 1st is linked to how others see us it isn’t a testament to who we actually are character wise. Always look at entire chart
However Venus in the first usually looks nice, dresses well, can be attractive & have a pleasant demeanor. They usually project a certain charm and polite personality unless Venus is harshly aspected
Mars in the first or opposite/square the ascendant can be seen as aggressive this is placement for people thinking you’re in a bad mood even when you’re happy. This placement can seem argumentative and impatient
Jupiter in the first house may have a grand personality. Wherever Jupiter is it is said we are bestowed good luck with this placement you create your own good luck. This is also common for people that experience weight fluctuations.
With Saturn in the first house this is a person that appears stoic, austere and all business like. They have atlas complex and can seem melancholy. This can indicate a person that takes on a lot of responsibility in early childhood and throughout life
Uranus in the first house is the wildcard personality, the person that’s electric + eccentric and unconventional this is the hallmark of a true non-conformist. “To thy self be true” others may see you as weird. F**k em!
Neptune in the first house is heavily prone towards other people’s projections they will label you things: you’re the sinner you are the Saint; they see you through a Neptunian veil. They can also see you as glamorous and poetic or a dreamer and artistic
Pluto in the 1st suggests a powerful personality this is one of the placements for people either loving you or hating you. They are either intimidated by you or love your strength; not everyone is comfortable around a person with heavy Pluto. They know you see through them
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