If you didn't realise shift from animal based textile/hide has caused this, you need new brain.
No wool tweed leather fur sheepskin cashmere silk this eco disaster. Price moving away from livestock. We need to move BACK to such; 'science' claiming otherwise FRAUD accountancy https://twitter.com/GHGGuru/status/1308420401626845192
Scale crop little better unless from already existing sources. MORE crops land water for inferior textiles?
24 endemic species gone just 20 yrs for disposable cheap t shirts?
Contrast 7 millenia wool Serbia the oldest known production
As for con selling shoes only last 6 months -
I had grandads leather football boots 6 years school

Av life pr leather shoes 20 yrs, but underestimate because dug out of trash repaired resoled & resold.

ONLY wear trainers exercise not general wear,avoid other non leather shoes
The move away from animal co produce not only affects clothing, but furnishings too: wool carpets a great home insulator and can last 10 yrs. The amount of trashed synthetic carpets and rugs- poor for insulation- in landfill is astronomical, so to be added to that
Then for eg livestock also used to be the basis for fats for food been replaced in processed food, margarine, and even cosmetics. That hasn't been a good result for wildlife & forests https://twitter.com/DMDent/status/1304129063892791296?s=20
We can even replace plastic buttonsthat global fashion corporates pushed on us last 50 years. Know what used to be made from? Wood...& beautiful horn. Would you pay extra few quid to have ankole horn buttons on a jacket rather than naff plastic ones? https://twitter.com/DMDent/status/1306760791480205312?s=20
A reminder too of how great the massive emissions from heating homes office malls public buildings etc - absurd keeping temps at 70 degrees so workers can wear polyester mid winter. Wool sheepskin etc can play major role not only in appropriate cold weather attire so we can whack
thermos down to 40 degrees, but also this stuff requires FAR less washing/dry cleaning. It lets you breathe, doesn't get sweaty, and insulation benefits even in home & building insulation, carpets even bedding, immense.
Benefits of leather also huge in furnishings https://twitter.com/DMDent/status/1304146757635506176?s=20
Meanwhile at Davos & the UN, engineering protection of their own damage with doublethink, plan great landgrab, #ecofascism & #BigGreenLie based on false biodiversity narrative continue with their outrageous plan to blame indigenous & rural people who've done most to protect it
So @UN , @UNEnvironment1 , stop spewing ignorant bullshit you CANNOT get real sustainability unless we start realizing the wider problems caused by the GARBAGE and inbuilt obsoletion tech your paymasters at @wef have delivered us, much of which used to be provided BY LIVESTOCK.
Sometimes old tech is the best tech @UN @UNEnvironment1 @WEF , you'll NEVER create a machine that reproduces itself without industrial process, & and provides food textiles hide that insulates lessening reliance fossil fuel, & provides economic & cultural autonomy to communities,
as well as FAR better re biodiversity. LOOK morons, this Serbia after 7 millenia of sheep (oldest known use wool fabric) : WHERE are the wolves & bears dancing round the f****** crops???? Look at the forest there all that time.
So go back to the drawing boards, eat some humble pie instead of fake meat SHIT, and stop giving us Orwellian doublethink for your paymasters. You CANNOT protect human dignity without protecting the base of it ie LIVESTOCK. WEF haven't got the solutions they are the DAMN PROBLEM!
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