the master thread on Lilith
Lilith was Adam's first wife, before there was Eve there was Lilith. This is widely known in Judaism but not as commonly popular amongst Christianity. It was said that Lilith was dominant in life and sexually, which wasn't deemed acceptable by Adam or God.
Lilith and Adam were both made from the same soil, so when she would challenge his authority, she was demonized for it. Quite literally, she was exiled and thus came a more feeble and agreeable woman. Eve. Built from his ribs, as symbolism to be lesser than. (imo).
Now viewed as the demon goddess, or the eater of children was originally a woman who was emboldened by her sexuality and demonized for this. She is now controversially named after an asteroid expressing our dark side. The parts of us we must learn to control or be controlled by.
Lilith is the asteroid that depicts what we need to work on, or highlights areas in which we tend to be more passionately or hyperaware of ourselves here. Although some of these things are often habits we might need to develop past or grow away from.
So how do you find your Lilith? I personally use astrotheme, because I feel it's easy but arguably it isn't always the most accurate or reliable.

go to  > click free horoscopes > scroll to extended chart selection > enter your birth info
then go back to the extended chart selection page with your information already in, and simply scroll to additional objects at the bottom and select your lilith:
trigger warning: a lot of lilith related content heavily speaks about medical-related issues you might face, mental health, eating habits, etc. this object of this asteroid is to emphasize your darker struggles and areas in your life that you face obstacles.
if you're trying to learn more personally about what your lilith placement in house or sign means for you, be cautious when studying the topic on your own, as a lot of the information that comes up is incredibly harmful and carries heavy stigmas/stereotypes.
If your Lilith is in Aries or in the first house you might have struggled with being seen as too dominant or too loud growing up. You're inherently being told to dim your light or constantly feeling rejected by societal expectations vs what you truly feel you are.
If your Lilith is in Taurus or in the second house you might have constantly struggled with your sexuality or felt like you were always ostracized for it, before you even understood it yourself. You are rooted within your beliefs and sometimes might do things excessively.
If your Lilith is in Gemini or in the third house you might be incredibly receptive to reading people and can predict what people will do or say before they figure it out themselves. But you might also be more prone to paranoia or obsessive thinking as you are consumed by "why"
If your Lilith is Cancer or the fourth house, you might have had a rockier relationship with your mother or struggle personally to allow others to nurture or be loving toward you. You might push people away or be suspicious of people who are kind. Extremely protective of children
If your Lilith is in Leo or in the fifth house you might feel you've always been ostracized by the people around you. A lot of who you are or what you're doing is constantly being scrutinized or speculated, you're somewhat of an enigma to others and yourself. Struggle w/ identity
If your Lilith is in Virgo or the sixth house, you might have greatly struggled with living in a state of chaos as a child. Occurrences in life might have made you feel a lack of control, and now you are obsessed with controlling every mundane detail of your life.
If your Lilith is in Libra or the seventh house you might have a difficult time with making it your personal life's mission to be liked and easily consumable for everyone. While personally struggling to identify or know what you actually want in the first place.
If your Lilith is in Scorpio or the eighth house you might struggle with being very oppressive about what you desire in life - aspirationally/sexually. Might feel the need to repress or silence yourself when you should learn to live authentically instead. Consuming relationships.
If your Lilith is in Sagittarius or the ninth house you might have grown up in a very traditional or religious environment. You felt trapped within your environment and now struggle to stay in one place for too long. You're wary of people who appear like they have all the answers
If your Lilith is in Capricorn you might have grown up quickly or came from nothing. So now you find yourself trying to work extremely hard to acquire as much stability as possible. But you can also grow addicted to power and money just as easily - and become consumed by status.
If your Lilith is in Aquarius or the eleventh house you might have grown up around people who were very emotionally charged or driven. You might have felt overshadowed in youth, and can be a bit icy or cold toward people now as a coping mechanism for rejection.
If your Lilith is in Pisces or the 12th house you might struggle with allowing people too close to your thoughts. You might have grown up in a household that felt elusive or full of mental warfare so now you struggle with vulnerability and often stray from things too structured.
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