Why Batman: Arkham Knight is one of my favourite Batman stories of all time [A THREAD]
Developed by @RocksteadyGames
Game Directed by @Seftonhill
#Batman #ArkhamKnight
This game tackles the idea of FEAR and what that means for The Dark Knight. This game also deals with the idea that Bruce Wayne DIED (metaphorically) with his parents and batman came to life. Last but not least, it gives a final word on the RELATIONSHIP between Batman and Joker
FEAR is one of the main concepts of batman. It is FEAR which keeps the criminals in Gotham from repeating the same crime that killed Bruce Wayne. Once that FEAR is gone, history will repeat itself
In the last sequence of the game we are shown the death of the Waynes one more time. One can look at it as a final goodbye to this story but one can also look at it as the writers saying that Bruce Wayne died all those years ago and this story will end with Batman not Bruce Wayne
Now on to the RELATIONSHIP between Joker and Batman. In this game its treated like the past of Bruce catching up to him as he deals with the threat of Scarecrow and Arkham Knight. Arkham Knight ends up being Jason Todd, predictable it is but it is necessary to end this story...
...This game looks at all the times Batman failed to save his loved ones from The Joker. It is shown with Barbra Gordon and now with Jason Todd.
The very last thing Joker says is “Don’t leave me” and he calls Batman, Bruce. However, Bruce is gone. There is no Bruce Wayne, only Batman.
The last sequence of the game is where it truly shines. When Scarecrow first injects Bruce, he experiences his fear of becoming The Joker. However, when he does it second time Joker is the one who experiences his fear. His fear is people forgetting his legacy...
...Legacy is an important topic here. Gotham forgets Joker but can it forget Batman. This story ends with a supernatural figure who appears to be a BATMAN standing up against the same crimes that created it. One can argue all day what and who is that thing at the end but...
...I believe it is the writers saying that the legacy of The Batman will live on no matter who is underneath the mask. It can be no one, just the idea of Batman is part of Gotham that even if the man behind the mask is dead or retired, his legacy cannot be undone...
...Those who have a reason to fear will fear him. Unlike Joker, Batman will live on forever.
A cool detail that I love. https://twitter.com/khan250101/status/1322167154033201152?s=19
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