Implement this info to drift off to sleep easier, wake up with a spring in your step or better the quality of your sleep.

🌛✨Let's get snoozy! 🥂💤
1. Go to sleep and rise at the same time each day.

Your Circadian rhythm facilitates the rise and fall of the hormones which wake us, and make us feel tired at the end of the day.

Your routine is most important in ensuring you feel tired before bed, and wake up naturally
2. Don't use an alarm

If you need an alarm to wake you up, chances are you're not getting enough sleep.

Go to bed earlier.
3. No Screens / Electronic light 2 HRS Before Bed

Blue light blocking glasses work to a degree, but you're still taking in light, activating the areas of your brain that need to be resting prior to sleep.

Finish your work beforehand so you don't need to be working later.
4. As an athlete/bodybuilder, you really should be getting 9 hours of sleep consistently, 8 being the bare minimum. I do 9.30pm-6.30/7am. On weekends I'll do ten hours.

Remember! Muscles are made DURING SLEEP.

5. Candlelight Only In the Evenings

If you only use candles in the home (electronic candles also good) you will naturally feel much more tired before bed.

Aim to do this when the sun goes down or when you switch off computer/phone/tv.

Reading by candlelight before bed >>
6. Remove all social programming of sleeping being 'lazy' or the 'sleep while you're dead' nonsense.

Good-quality sleep should be seen as productive and as important as studying or working.

With good sleep, your energy and motivation will be higher to work during the day.
7. No Caffeine 10 HRS before bed

Caffeine takes a while to be processed in the body.

Even if you don't consciously feel the effects of caffeine stimulating you, it is still within the bloodstream and will impact sleep quality.
8. Try and not eat large meals right before bed.

Have small snacc to keep blood glucose high for brain repair (banana) but otherwise do the bulk of your eating throughout the day where you can process and digest before sleep.

+ Walk off your dinner!
9. Drink most of your liquids in the morning and early afternoon, scaling back your liquid intake two hours before bed.

A cup of camomile tea is fine, 2L water will have you dreaming of going to the toilet or waking up in the middle of the night, both bad outcomes for sleep.
10. Ensure your sleeping environment is as dark as possible.

Throughout history there have been no sources of light other than fire once the sun goes down, so any light source in your room is picked up and processed by the eyes and brain (yes, even through the eyelids).
11. Similarly, The closer to complete quiet the better

I understand in today's modern world this is nigh on impossible - pickup some earplugs for a good way to eliminate a lot of the noise that usually can affect us if you live in apartment building or in a city.

Alcohol is one of the most powerful suppressors of REM sleep that we know of. Even if you're getting a good number of hours, the quality of your sleep will be impacted.
12. Temperature Change

Due to our temperature controlled climates, there is no signal in our environments now to tell our body to start the retiring for the night.

Usually the sun would set, temperature would drop and our body would prepare itself for sleep

Cold shower!
13. Condition your Brain

Only use your bed/bedroom for Sleeping and Sex. That's it. Don't lay in it watching netflix while you're chilling during the day.

This will condition your brain to become sleepy when it is introduced to its regular sleeping environment.
14. Stretch Before Bed

Releasing your body's physical tensions is a great way to wind down before bed, preparing your body and mind for relaxation

Stretching/Yoga before bed is a great way to relax, unwind and contribute to quality rest.
15. Morning Sunlight

To help time your circadian rhythm:

Upon waking, expose your body and eyes to sunlight and something to eat.

This tells the body that this is the time where we should be rising and getting started for the day.
16. Glycine, ZMA + Camomile Tea Sleep

Camomile is a natural sedative that will help relax you and make you feel tired,

Glycine + ZMA both increase quality of your deep REM sleep once you are asleep.

Keep your eyes peeled for US-Made Highest Purity Sol Supplement's Glycine!
17. Tape Your Mouth

Nasal breathing is much more optimal for oxygen intake, sympathetic nervous system arousal and restores the

You can tape your mouth with a piece of tape to keep the mouth closed + ONLY nasal breath throughout the night.

This also fixes snoring/sleep apnea
18. Nasal strips for opening nasal passages

In a similar vein, opening the nasal passages with these nasal strips ensure you're getting deep quality breathing throughout the night.

This and taping the mouth is a noticeable SLEEP GAMECHANGER
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