Were most prisons made of stone because they are good conductors...considering all the humans inside can absorb and emit electrical current 🤔
Why do they keep these prisons even years after they were last used? They demolish beautiful buildings everywhere but seem to keep prisons intact and empty a lot of the time, save for ghost/historical tours. Maybe they're charged enough to get continued use out of them?
Makes one think more about the styles of execution that were so popular
That's a lot of people and buildings to use as conductors/conduits (just in the US alone)
Same questions but this time old mental institutions
Many died in these institutions and were tortured with medical experiments. Those things haunt my nightmares so I will not be sharing any photos pertaining to that. But you can bet a lot of human energy is taken that way
I have a feeling that most, if not all of these types of prisons and institutions are built on ley lines. Working on this theory now
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