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Results section:
"Experimental data suggested dynamic regulation of endocannabinoids and their receptors in the vascular system [16]. Therefore, we investigated the components of the endocannabinoid system in human aorta and found significantly higher mRNA
levels of the cannabinoid receptors CB1 (Figure 1(a)), CB2 (Figure 1(b)), TRPV1 (Figure 1(c)), and GRP55 (Figure 1(d)) in the aneurysms as compared to the samples from controls. Expression of related factors 5HT1A and PPARα was comparable between the groups (data not shown). ..."
Mass spectrometry measurements of endocannabinoids showed a significantly lower level of anandamide (Figure 1(c)) & a significantly higher level of 2-arachidonoyl glycerol in aneurysms (Figure 1(d)). Interestingly, aneurysm samples contained a significantly lower amount of the..
endocannabinoid degradation product arachidonic acid (Figure 1(e)) and palmitoylethanolamide (Figure 1(f)) than the control samples. Therefore, aortic aneurysm showed not only increased level of cannabinoid receptors, but also a different amount of ligands & decreased level of...
Significance - ratio: "Mass spectrometry measurements of endocannabinoids showed a significantly lower level of anandamide (Figure 1(c)) and a significantly higher level of 2-arachidonoyl glycerol in aneurysms (Figure 1(d))."

Too little of the THC equivalent, excess of CBD equiv
I have been experiencing blood vessel breakdown & edema - in my fingertips, since stopping THC to travel in non-legal states, I continued CBD though.
My genetics make me equivalent to a knockout mouse - I can't make endocannabinoids & need external
Thr: https://twitter.com/deNutrients/status/1300862036348338177?s=20
Gist of my Thread - #hypoxia, low oxygen, plus low THC/anandamide -> increased blood vessel breakdown.

My solution was to increase motion in my fingers - 'jazz hands' & hold the steering wheel very gently. My #fingers hurt, still do. Haven't gotten back on THC yet. #COVID19
In balance & inhaled, THC & CBD help preserve blood vessel membranes & reduce mast cell activation.
mast cell part is in second half of this post: https://transcendingsquare.com/2020/11/10/glyphosate-increases-histamine-both-may-be-a-factor-in-covid19/

Had a little recently - it helped with sensation in my fingers.
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