Don't know how many people in India are keeping tab on dangerous turn #Pakistan domestic politics is taking due to various external & internal reasons.

But what's happening has far reaching consequences not only on Pakistan but on #Indiansubcontinent & beyond.

Pakistan's domestic politics is dominated and driven by following factors!

1. Islam 2 Military 3. Geo Political importance & location of Pakistan 4. Atomic Bomb 5. Military industrial complex 6. Punjabi dominance on everything 7. India a forver enemy.

But due to various big global events and Pakistan Amry's refusal to loosen grip on Pakistan's internal and external matters has created a new and most dangerous mess in Pakistan's history.

And due to this 7 factors mentioned above have started conflicting with each other.
Lets start with first factor Islam!

Islam is the core of Pakistan and it's doctrine. But Islam in Pakistan was very different than Islam in Middle East, Turkey or Iran.

That's why at the time of independence Brits successfully planted a Shia leader on sunni majority country.
But quickly after the independence things started to change but still hatred among Shia and Sunni was not on the groud level.

But Punjabi Sunnis systematically snatched powers from Shias especially Mujahir Shias who were running the Pakistan due to better Urdu & education.
Conflict between Punjabi Sunni leader Nawaz Sharif and Army establishment has tossed all religious, social & political eqautions in Pakistan in the air.

Though Army establishment tried to persuade Sharif last year in Nov-Dec for truce but he was adment on Civilian supremacy.
He was brought for following reasons!

1. To dislodge Nawaz Sharif with a puppet.
2. Increase Pakistan's global acceptance with already famous new PM face eductaed in western world.

But within 1 year Pakistan Army realised his utility is over so they started parleys with Sharif.
But Nawaz Sharif was tired of mickey mouse game he has been playing with Army for 3 decades.

Though he was brought by same Army but he grew spine while being in office of Prime Minister and realized without throwing Army from Pakistan govt offices PMLN & Pakistan have no future.
That's why we saw Nawaz Sharif's eviction from jail in November and his transfer to London against the wish of Handsome Imran Khan.

But after that things didn't go as expected by Pakistani Army's wish.

Nawaz Sharif stood firm on segregation of powers between govt & Army stand.
Now things start getting worse on religious front i.e. Islam the main piller of Pakistan's existence.

Army establishment decides to go with Imran Khan and tries to find new ways out.

In this hiest they started relying too much on China and suddenly became anti Saudi Arabia.
On other hand China wanted to become a major player in middle east and starts using Pakistan as it's pawn.

First they announce 400B $ investment plan in Iran and then they wanted to give a shock to Saudi Arbia for being in US camp.

So Shah Mahmood Qureshi episode happened!
And here the religious mess starts!

Now Pakistani establishment is aginst biggest domestic sunni leader Nawaz Sharif and richest Sunni Country Saudi Arabia at the same time.

On top of that Imran Khan has become a fan boy of Turkey (arch rival of middle-east sunni world).
There may not be direct orders to do so from Saudi so but Sunni Mualvis are mobilising mobs on streets to declare Shias as Kaafirs.

Chaos are on the way, because Shias are not like Ahmadiyyas who can be pushed over just like that.

And iran always breathe down Pakistan's neck.
So this makes soup completely cooked to fall in for Pakistan.

Sunni majority Pakistan supporting China alliance over US in global war and it included Iran.

But Iran & Saudis are fighting Shia-Sunni war and to win this war 2 sunni ruled state UAE & Bahrain already joined Israel.
Saudi Arabia has more assets in Pakistan compared to any other country.

And relations between Nawaz Sharif and Saudi Royal family are very strong.

If Pakistan establishment goes completely with China and strengthen Shia Iran then Saudi can make Pakistan pay a heavy price.
Pakistani establishment is secretly itching to have similer accord with Isreal but their public stand on Isreal and indoctrination against Isreal in common Pakistani people make this shift almost impossible.

And the elephant in the room is still china so Pakistan is helpless.
They even tried to put forward the thought of accepting Isreal from their mouthpiece @HassanNisar and tested waters.

But if you see the comments on this video, and reaction in public you can easily make out that nobody is buying this possibility.
Pakistan keeps talking about Muslim ummah but now they look frightened on possible truce between 2 rich sunni countries, Saudi Arabia & Qatar.

If this happens then Turkey will become completely isolated in sunni world & Pakistan's support to Turkey will become a huge liability.
Both Pakistan & Turckey trying to cash on rift between Saudi Arabia & Qatar.

Erdoğan is a very cunning leader, he knows he doesn't have much to offer to Turckish people on domestic front.

So he is creatimg the facade of "Leader of Muslim Ummah" or return of "Ottoman Empire"
Erdoğan got the leadership of Turckey in 2003, Turckey witnessed a great growth for few years and it continued till 2007.

Turkish GDP in 2020 is less than what it was in 2007, so now you can understand why he is flying the kite of "Muslims Ummah" and "Return of Ottoman Empire
And on Pakistan I don't need to give you any statistics or data.

So these 2 failed states Turkey & Pakistan are trying to invoke Muslim Ummah and ignite a new wave of Islamic Radicalisation in the world so Army in Pakistan and Erdogan in Turkey can keep ruling their countries.
Both Pakistani Army & Erdogan have no idelogy to stand for! They can be with anyone to sustain their rule.

So for Chinese $ Pakistan can ditch Saudi Arabia & other Middle-East countries.

And Erdogan can bat for same China he was accusing of atrocities against Muslims Xinjiang.
Never forget both Pakistan & Turckey have been US pets for a very long time, as saturation in relation with US vis-à-vis extracting benifits monetary or otherwise has reached, so both are turning towards China to get easy money and later using same favours as leverage with US.
And my advise is to HH @KingSalman is to write-off Pakistan from Saudi Arabia's friends list.

As Pakistan treats you like a ATM & nothing more as it's political doctrine is tightly coupled with Turckey.

Forget love for #Ertuğrul
they have Turckey's flag on their currency note.
#NawazSharif made his speech on September 20th but on Sept 17 I explained how firm he is on his stand that militry has to be thrown out from governance, politics and foreign affairs of Pakistan like any other democratic nation.

But now he has gone too far as it is now or never.
But #NawazSharif as Prime Minister of Pakistan is not good for India if he makes a deal with @OfficialDGISPR.

Because Army will again embarrass him when he is very close to make peace with India.

In that case Army puppet @ImranKhanPTI is a far better for Indian interests.
If #NawazSharif manages to throw Amry from civilian affairs totally then we can see new era in Pakistan's history.

But it doesn't mean Pakistan will become India's friend overnight as kind of hate against India has been inculcated in minds of Pakistanis is unparallel in history.
Kind of traction opposition is getting against Pakistani Army establishment & their pet Imran Khan, very aoon Army establishment will make it look like a fight between Sahrifs and Bajwas to save whole cabal.

And new Army leadership when comes can go with new alignments as well.
@ImranKhanPTI is day dreaming about a scenario where he will remove General Qamar Javed Bajwa before he removes him as PM to make a deal with Oppostion parties.

And newly appointed Army Chief will not dare to make deal with oppostion to remove him for next 3 years.

Howzat Mr. Charsi Prime Minister Khan? You thought you dare to remove sitting Amry Chief of Pakistan and nothing will happen.

Former Pakistan cricketer Sarfraz Nawaz accuses Imran Khan of consuming drugs.

NNote: Sarfraz and Imran played together for Pakistan.

Meanwhile in Pakistan, Papa Jones Pizza has been delivered finally.

Happy Deepawali!

But Nawaz wants bigger heads to roll. Fauz ne token diya hai baat shuru karne ke liye.

Lets see will it make Nawaz show some mercy?

#AsimBajwa #PizzaGenrel
Breaking! #KhadimRizvi suddenly died in suspecious circumstances hours after after threatening to expose who asked him to do protest aginst #France in Pakistan.

#Pakistan deep state (Army establishment) is the biggest terrorist organization of the world.
Apart from Political & Security chaos Pakistan has also grappled with ideological chaos and it is equally devastating for this totally artificial national state as other two.

Since 1947 Pakistan taught it's kids that Yahood & Hanood (Jews & Hindus) are their eternal enemies.
Now they are faced with an unprecedented situation where Pakistan's ideological & finance masters i.e. Arab countries are getting close to Isreal & India at same time.

So Mulla community is in shock and Military establishment is frightened with consequences this tectonic shift.
So you will see Pakistani Army's media stooges on TV praising India under Congress or trying to explain the benifit of accepting Isreal.

Pakistan's Amry waged multiple wars against India while Congress was in power and now they're praising so called secular India under Congress.
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