Professor Neil Ferguson Deep Dive

"Professor Lockdown", as he's nicknamed in some newspapers, is back in the public space and offering his scientific opinions on public health policy

As such, let's take a look at Neil and his most important work on pandemics - including C19

Who is Neil Ferguson?

He was the Imperial College epidemiologist who presented the doomsday scenario to U.K. leaders

He predicted that 550K would die in UK and 2.2M in the US if lockdown measures were not undertaken promptly

Lockdowns were never a part of any rational pandemic playbook

As I tweeted: "Lockdown is not a strategy, it’s a panic move"

Yet governments accepted his predictive modeling without criticism

How did Ferguson manage to convince the world to shut down?

In 2001, Ferguson made incredible predictions about the UK’s foot and mouth disease outbreak

His research led to the culling of 11M sheep and cattle

Estimated 10B pound damage to UK economy

Other epidemiologists were critical but the govt followed his lead

In 2002, there was a predicted outbreak of BSE (aka mad cow disease)

Ferguson predicted between 50-55,000 people would possibly succumb

He later stated that up to 150K could die if certain conditions occurred

Ultimately, only 177 died

In 2005, Ferguson predicted that 150M (up to 200M) could die of bird flu

Ultimately, <300 people died

Hmm, anybody seeing a trend?

In 2009, Ferguson worked on swine flu predictions for the UK govt

His modeling suggested ~65K deaths

Ultimately, ~450

His team had estimated an IFR or 0.3-1.5% (Neil’s best guess 0.4%) when it was later determined to be 0.026%

In 2020, Ferguson prepared his COVID model for the UK

The UK was faced with a novel coronavirus, very little hard information, the potential of 550K deaths, and overwhelming of the NHS

They blinked and accepted Ferguson’s predictions with little criticism

@SunetraGupta (epidemiologist at Oxford) was livid that the UK accepted Ferguson’s model with so little debate and has been a staunch critic throughout

She recently said that ‘puritanical’ criticism of idea of herd immunity has chilled legitimate scientific and policy debate

Ferguson was later forced to resign from his position due to an affair he was continuing during UK’s lockdown

He was infected with COVID at the time and knowingly exposed the woman and her husband & children

“Rules for thee but not for me.”

George Box, renowned British statistician, famously said: “All models are wrong but some are useful”

Models are flawed

Helpful as guides and approximations

They should be applicable and never harmful

They are only as good as the data input and the built-in assumptions

Ferguson’s modeling was built on >13 year old code

It’s been described as SIMS without graphics

It was designed for flu and not COVID

He has been extremely reticent about releasing the code for examination

Those who have seen it have at best not given it any praise

The UK public policy decisions of lockdown and severe mitigation were based on this modeling

The base assumptions for the policies have taken on an almost religious dogma

Any researcher or work that challenges the assumptions is attacked or ignored

Respected physician scientist researchers have had their reputations attacked and their motives impugned

Research/papers have not been accepted or are held to higher standards bc of their potential to challenge the public health policies and the public’s reception of them

Example, respected epidemiologist Dr. John Ionaddis and his team in Stanford attempted to get a seroprevalence snapshot early in the pandemic

They fully realized that they would be proceeding with a shoestring budget but felt it was worthwhile to proceed

Their AB tests were primitive
Their volunteer recruitment wasn't ideal given the circumstances

Their data suggested IFR was likely ~0.2-0.3%
They were savaged in the media - sterling reputations attacked.


Their IFR prediction has been ~ right 5-6 months later

Another couldn't get her paper published- not due to flaws/lack of substance/academic rigor

Nope, her paper needed to meet even higher standards because of it's effect on:
1) public health policy
2) the public’s Response to public health policy

Chew on that for a second

Meanwhile, the British government is encouraging people to get back to work

This embodiment of arrogance is telling them to stay home

Unfortunately many are taking his advice

Throughout his career, Ferguson has made no apologies for his catastrophic predictions

It’s easy to stoke fear

And Much more difficulty to quell it

It’s much easier to get people out of the water by yelling shark than to convince them that it’s safe to get back in

So there's Neil Ferguson in 20 tweets

This is his resume

Draw your own conclusions

But more importantly, ponder an earlier question:

"How did Ferguson manage to convince the world to shut down?"

It certainly wasn't his sterling resume of correct predictions...

This thread is not just about Neil Ferguson

It's also directed at scientists/experts who sought followers/likes by pushing the Ferguson panic narrative

Not naming names, but we know who they are

MSM is also complicit, only talking with scientist that confirm this narrative

Neil Ferguson didn't convince the whole world to shut down alone..he had lots of help

Problem is that the narrative was wrong

Each day brings more data, and so far it seems like the anti-panic scientists/experts were right

That's a problem - predictable result of no debate

I don't blame them for being wrong

I blame them for not behaving like scientists: not challenging their assumptions, not engaging in sincere debate, not doing the work to evaluate all data...even if it contradicted their views

That's it!

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