
As the voting season approaches the citizens of the West, we, al-Muminoon of the US, are presented with the dilemma of participating in the democratic system.

In shaa allah, this will present the kufr of democracy and the reason why voting is impermissible.
Firstly, it is important to note that “participation” and “abiding” are not the same.

The US does not present to its citizens the obligation to vote(aka as a civic duty), rather voting is merely a civic right(as depicted by the year-to-year decreased voter turnout).
As Muslims, our obligations are first and foremost abiding and adhering to the Shar’ , and then we are bound to our conditions in our land.

Participation on the other hand, is the path to democracy, the path to kufr.
On the issue of the kufr of democracy as well as the misinformed objection of from some as they pose that democracy is like Shura(islamic council), Sheikh Nasir Al Fahd wrote the following:
Moreover, the laws made by the governmental systems of legislation in the West enforce that which is impermissible, such as Riba (usury), Zina (fornication), abortion, homosexuality, intoxication, etc.

What more is put forth by this other than degeneracy and corruption?
Allah, the Most exalted, says in al-Maidah, ayah 50:
And also in Surah al-An’am, ayah 116:
The land of dar al-harb are undoubtedly the advisors of the ignorant, with laws and norms being derived from superstition, desire, imagination, and speculation of the majority.
As Muslims, the knowledge to avail ourselves of this is given by our Creator, so why move back to jahiliyah?
Onto the treachery known as the concept of elections, let us look at the words of the beloved Prophet(peace be upon him):
As you look at the males and females who propose themselves to positions of leadership, ask the question: In their intentions, are they truly caring of the people they want to rule over?

The answer is no, and this is apparent by the history of each and ever election.
Sheikh al-Fawzan (hafidhullah) said in Al-Jareedat ul-Jazeerah, Issue 11358:

“...as for the elections [that are] well known [and implemented] today in the various nations, then they are not from the Islamic order. Chaos, personal aspirations enter into them, as do greed and...
“...favoritism (bias). Tribulations and the shedding of blood result from them, and the desired goal is not attained by them. Rather, they are just a ground for bids (i.e. campaigns), buying and selling and false claims.”
Furthermore, the concept of these elections poses the word of Muslims as equal to kuffar and munafiqeen...

We are not equal to the sodomite across the street. Nor are we equal to the ones of berate their Creator with disbelief.

Allah azza wajaal says in the Surat al Qalam:
Na’audhobillah, the democratic systems also go forth and commit shirk al-akbar, as they look to change the legislation of the Most High.

Allah azza wajaal says in Surah Yusuf:
Ibn Kathir (rahimullah) said in his Tafsir of this ayah:

“He then affirmed that the judgment, decision, will and kingdom are all for Allah alone, and He has commanded all of His servants to worship none but Him.”
In shaa allah, the content within this thread has shed light upon the jahiliyah put forth by democracy and participation within it.

We as Muslims face no threat that would be availed through such elections. We are able to go to our masajid and read Salah in congregation...
...we are able to send ourselves and our youngers to Madrassahs to learn Aqeedah, Tajweed, Hadith, Fiqh, and more, our akhawat can freely wear hijab and niqab, and the list goes on...
Allah azza wajaal says in Surah Nur, ayah 55:
And all of these promises are evident to us, alhamdulillah.

So what benefit are you getting with implementation of taghut?

Actually, it is more befitting to ask, do you not fear the consequences of such jahiliyah on the Day of Recompense?
May Allah keep us steadfast upon haqq and allow us to implement the Qur’an and Sunnah to meet maybe even a portion of how the Prophet صَلَّىٰ ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ and his Companions رضي الله عنهم had implemented it in their lives.
And to implement the Qur’an, in shaa allah, let us begin by forbidding that which has been forbidden and warned about by Allah azza wajaal, as He the Most Beneficent says in Surah Nisa, ayah 60
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