I've tweeted in the past on the importance of writing

I started writing publicly (mainly about venture 7 years ago).
Looking back, it’s one of the most fulfilling things that I’ve ever done.

Here are some of the things I’ve learned:

1/ You will more than likely be terrible at it initially. This was true for me for a long while (and occasionally still). Keep at it though, as it will get easier. Muscle memory takes time, but is worth it.
2/ It will take some time to find your voice and land on a consistent style; experiment often in the early days until you land on something that is natural and authentic to you.
3/ Even as you improve, you’ll realize that not every post or writing will resonate with the desired effect. Sometimes the posts you are most proud of get the least interest or feedback. Don’t be discouraged.
4/Writing forces clarity of thought and requires you to confront your own beliefs like nothing else; even more so when you know it will be consumed publicly.
5/You will write many posts that you scrap after writing them (I have 50+). Sometime it’s because what you had in your head doesn’t translate well to writing or that you found yourself losing conviction in your thought during the writing progress. This is actually healthy.
6/Initially, you’ll dread feedback from those that don’t agree with you. Over time, if you have the right mindset, you’ll welcome feedback from others as an opportunity to learn, and perhaps reveal your own flawed biases. Leverage the power of audience to learn through writing.
7/ Be consistent with frequency of writing. I’ll help create discipline & keeps your skills sharp and relevant, while helping you build an audience. This is one of the hardest things to do.
8/Writers block will happen. There are posts that will freely flow and others that are important that take days to write and re-write. Take a break when you have a complete block. It’ll come back.
9/ Stay authentic. Don’t try and completely emulate someone else’s writing style. You’ll just be a worse version of them; be the best version of yourself. Pick something you’re passionate about.
10/ Effective writing will change your entire career arc. But you have continue to tune it. Don't underestimate the impact.
You can follow @Samirkaji.
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