1/ Our newest COVID-19 immunology work is online today at Cell! @ljiresearch https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)31235-6
2/ We aimed to better understand hospitalized COVID-19 cases by examining virus-specific immune responses all in the same people. SARS2-specific Helper T cells, killer T cells, and neutralizing antibodies.
3/ (I.e., measure the adaptive immune response in acute COVID-19 cases with virus-specific tools.)
4/ The three main findings are:
A) Coordinated adaptive immune responses (CD4, CD8, and antibodies together) were associated with reduced COVID-19 disease severity. The adaptive immune system fights the virus well when the 3 branches work together.
B) T cells appear to do the heavy lifting in controlling an active SARS-CoV-2 infection. Virus-specific helper T cells (CD4) and virus-specific killer T cells (CD8) both were significantly associated with lower COVID-19 disease severity.
B) Older people were much less likely to make a coordinated adaptive immune response. It appears that weak or absent T cell responses is a contributing risk factor for why older people are so much more susceptible to severe or fatal COVID-19.
8/ We think this work fills an important piece of the COVID-19 puzzle. It looks like the adaptive immune responses are generally a good thing in the fight against this virus, and it is the absence of an adaptive immune response in some people that is a big problem in severe COVID
9/ The problem of older people making T cell responses highlights issues to consider in treatment of COVID-19 cases, and the importance of vaccines electing strong immune responses in older people against COVID-19.
10/ This was a big team effort by the Crotty lab,
@SetteLab , @EOSaphire , @ljiresearch, and UCSD Infectious Disease clinicians!
You can follow @profshanecrotty.
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