I have received several calls over the last few months. People who want to do 'In-depth stories/books on artists/ journalists/ activists who get trolled online'.
So? How can I help?
'You've been trolled too'
Actually, the bigger problem is the physical violence and threats I have faced in the real world. You know, in case you remember, there's a world outside of social media. That's where Gauri Lankesh was killed. (2/n)
Not for writing a social media post but for the work she was doing in that real world.
'What about the places you work in UP? How is the trolling there?'
Actually, where I work in UP the problem isn't trolling. (3/n)
The problem is that the police come and arrest people for their social media posts that are critical of the government. The arrests are in the real world. Not some make belief virtual prison.
'What about people in ChalChitra Abhiyaan? Don't they get trolled?'
Damn! Believe it or not, trolling isn't our biggest problem. I can think of at least 3 occasions where we've been threatened and/or even picked up by the police for our stories. (5/n)
I can think of at least 3 occasions when we've had to shut office and go underground for a week or two after some of our stories to protect ourselves from the threat of the local police and administration. (6/n)
I can think of at least 2 occasion when people from our organisation have been physically manhandled for doing the work we do. And I can't even remember the number of times we've been threatened with physical violence (outside of social media). Want to talk about that?
Ah ok. We should do something on that. We will get back to you.'
'Right. Of course. That is important too. But we are working on something else.'
'Can I call you later?'
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