Don't be tricked into thinking that neon haired kiddos & adult weirdos on Kool Aid are just pulling nonsensical BS out of their arses. I mean, it is BS, but the sort of delusional BS that was carefully planned & written by a privileged white man with autogynephilia in 1996. 1/9
Already from the very short intro into this 1996 book one will recognize 3 main TRA talking points:
1. race is the same as sex hence segregating people based on sex is equal to racism
2. gender is conflated with gender roles
3. biology is regressive & inconsequential 2/9
Martin Rothblatt, apart from being a textbook example of AGP, is a (morbidly) fascinating character. Far more fascinating than his middle-age crisis that triggered his transition in his 40s is his battle against biology & the evil material world. It would be extremely 3/9
interesting to know what sort of early childhood trauma plus cultural influences shaped his severe womb envy (and hatred). However, it is obvious that his war on biology started in earnest with the incurable illness of his daughter. 4/9
If this story is not merely a good marketing ploy, it seems that his transition & his daughter's illness coincided, which is again very common with many autogynephiliacs. Jenesis is now in her 30s. But this experience apparently convinced Rothblatt that biology can 5/9
and MUST be improved. It's a strange sort of gnostic conviction that the created world is inherently evil and that our souls/essences must be liberated from what he calls "the sin of fleshism".
This sentiment shapes his son's sect, Terasem. 6/9
So remember that nothing in this ideology is random, even though it looks random & confused (which it is). All of this comes from a narcissistic mind of a troubled man who, as many men before him, turned his own mental illness into religion. So this is not a fringe 8/9
Creating robots is Rothblatt's way to cope with his fear of death and decay that is intrinsically connected with biology. It's a mix of fascination & hatred, and he's alternating between both. Like I said, he's a fascinating man. And absolutely bat-shit crazy.
What a combo of male entitlement, delusion, elitism, ignorance, misogyny & casual racism. Comparing sex segregation to racial segregation is insulting to both women and POC.
People should realize that he's really not hiding what the agenda is. This is not some insane conspiracy theory. It sounds insane because it is coming from a deranged mind of a man with a god complex.
Today we witnessed the fall of a once great publication @NEJM
This insane piece that they published is a direct echo of the Yogyakarta Principles. Sex will be erased. Biological reality denied. Dissociation from our own reality will be normalized.
Perhaps this idea about genitals being the only thing that determines sex is originally some fringe idea from old transexual circles - I don't know. But it was Rothblatt who really turned it into propaganda.
It is a cult.
And obviously the idea that the only observable thing in material reality is the endless cycle of creation and destruction, sex and death, is unbearable to people with enormous egos like Rothblatt's.
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