Eating with hand. ( A Thread )

A practice that was adopted by countless civilization such as Indus Valley, Greek & Egyptian.
And is not only seen in India but also in Africa, Middle East countries etc.
Origins - The Vedas Describe How the Body is aligned with the elements & our hand hold a certain power.

Ayurveda teaches that each finger is an extension of one of the Five elements.
Midfinger :Space
Each fingers helps in the transformation of food, before it passes on to digestion, joining the finger tips as they touch the food stimulates the five elements & invite Agni to bring forth the digestive systems.
Benefits :
The Nerve endings on our finger tips are known to stimulate digestion.
The Normal flora found on our fingers protect us from damaging microbes in the environment.
Eating using hands increase blood circulation, since we are exercising our hands and fingers.
When we eat with our hands, we become conscious of taste and when we touch our foods with hands we form a physical and spiritual connection with the food.

When we touch the food, there is more attention placed on it.
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