The Moon is currently conjoined fixed star Regulus, so what the hell! Let's talk about the 4 Royal Stars of Persia.

1/too many, frankly, but fuck it! this is good content
At the time that the Persian astrologers conceived of the Royal Stars, the stars' heliacal rise was considered to mark the cardinal solstice and equinoctal points, so they were called the Four Royal Stars or the Four Guardians of Heaven.

-Regulus (our currently activated star) was the guardian of the North.
-Antares was the guardian of the West.
-Fomalhaut was the guardian of the South.
-Aldebaran was the guardian of the East.

These stars were considered to be ESPECIALLY propitious, with the potential for eminence... or infamy.

But this potential comes with a price. You see, we have a very warped idea of royalty in today's world. That you're just born into it, and that's it.

Back in the day, you only became royal through trials before you were crowned. These trials could range in type and intensity, but there was almost always a kind of initiation.

Being royal also meant that you were steward of the land and the heart of the people, AND you were held to a *MUCH* higher standard of conduct.

If you met these requirements you would reach eminence, fame, and success. If not... infamy.

Either way, you shine bright!

In this sense, if you have one of these stars prominent in your chart (either by conjunction or paran), you undergo a number of trials, usually under intense scrutiny. Whether you succeed or fail, there's always a spotlight attached to your those areas of life.

The 1st standard that ALL the royal stars are held to?

One must NEVER act from revenge. This is doubly true of Regulus.

Why? Because if a King/Queen were to behead every person who failed to agree or comply, they would not have a kingdom. They'd have a riot.

The 2nd standard that ALL royal stars are held to?

One must ALWAYS act from conviction and integrity. This is doubly true for Aldebaran.

The person with a royal star in the chart has their kingdom eagerly watching. They are only as good as their word.

The 3rd standard that ALL royal stars are held to?

One can use charisma to influence but must NEVER drink their own kool-aid. This is doubly true for Fomalhaut.

It's a King/Queen's duty to give their people hope. But those goals and dreams better be grounded, too.

The 4th standard that ALL royal stars are held to?

One must cycle their intensity into a mission, or else be their own undoing. This is doubly true for Antares.

The person crowned with one of these bright stars has immense energy that needs to be pointed in a direction.

It's typical when you have these stars prominent in your chart that you learn about these pitfalls in the younger years of your life. It can be a very painful process! But ultimately it's to prepare you for the gifts that these stars bestow. It's not all bad news!

Regulus bestows fame and fortune to the person leading from the heart. Being heart centered and mangnanimous is the key. It was considered the kingliest of the Royal Stars.

This is reflected in Persian, Arabic, Greek, and Roman star lore, and even in Chinese lore!

Fomalhaut bestows eminence around artistic, poetic, and mystical arts. This is the dreamiest of the 4, finding hope in an imagined future.

It has mixed heritage, but interestingly, it was conflated in the sunrise worship of Demeter at the temple of Eleusis.

Aldebaran bestows eminence around your sense of convictions and your unwavering will to fulfill your value-driven objectives.

In particular, Aldebaran was conflated with the god Mithra. Mithra gives victories, but ONLY if you follow very strict rules of procedure.

Antares bestows eminence from your ability to recover from adversity, and/or your mission of fightig for the common people.

Conflated with the underworld god Yima, worldy success was professed, but usually after a death and resurrection. This intensity MUST be directed.

How does this work in a chart? The star will augment the planet conjoined it (within 2 degrees for Royal Stars). This will be expressed in the house that the star occupies, as well as the other houses the planet rules over. Also, any very tight oppositions or squares.

Of course my increasingly preferred way to look at the stars is using the Egyptian method of parans. This uses the heliacal rise of stars in an angular parallel to planets, and is deeply spiritual (and visible!). I couldn't possibly explain this in a tweet thread though!

Time for a shameless plug! If you want a fixed star reading with someone OBSESSED with fixed stars, I’m your gal!

Traditional fixed star conjunction-based reading is the Natal Promise

Egyptian-style fixed star parans reading is Siren Star Songs:
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