In case there's doubt that the virus can spread through respiratory particles that float in air and travel far, I wanted to share these studies:

1. Indoor airborne event: plant worker transmits virus to those 24ft away in area w/re-circulated air 1/n
4. CDC: Another choir super-spreading event: following practice, 32 confirmed; 20 probable secondary cases. "The act of singing, itself, might have contributed to transmission through emission of aerosols, which is affected by loudness of vocalization" 4/n
5. Coronavirus is in the air: 94 employees (out of 216) were infected in a call center in South Korea, a 43.5% attack rate! Nearly all of them sat on the same side of the building, suggesting airflow as culprit 5/n
6. Another study pointing to coronavirus in the air: an asymptomatic individual sitting at a table in a restaurant infected people sitting at two other tables that were facing an Air Conditioning unit, pointing to recirculated air as the culprit 6/n
7. NATURE: virus captured from aerosols: Aerosols emitted by SARS-CoV-2 patients contain the virus and the virus can infect cells 7/n
9. CDC: Virus is stable in air: once airborne, SARS-CoV-2 retains ability to infect for at least 16 hrs. It's hardier in aerosols than SARS-1 or MERS

This helps explain why airborne route could be major culprit 9/n
10. Scientists have been saying this for a long time.

@DrLaPook to @kprather88:How sure are you that the virus is significantly spread through aerosolization? 10/n
11. But US and WHO officials have been slow to update guidance.

In contrast, the National Health Commission of China highlighted the possibility of aerosol transmission 6 months ago! 11/n
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