some civet pics. they are in the viverrid family (old world omnivorous feliform carnivora) along with binturongs, genets, and oyans!
the oyan (also known as the linsang) aka the real catsnake
the genet! fun fact, the russian word for "raccoon" comes from these guys
the good ol binturong, aka the bearcat! they are one of two carnivores with a prehensile tail (the other is the kinkajou) and they are the guys that smell like buttered popcorn.
the kinkajou! also called the honey bear. they are in the family procyonidae so they are related to coatis & raccoons. they are found in central & south american rainforests!
bonus pics
the aye-aye! a lemur & the world's largest nocturnal primate. they have very long fingers that they use to tap on trees to draw out grubs - they're one of 2 animals in the world to practice percussive foraging! in many madagascan folk beliefs they're seen as harbingers of evil.
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