Exclusive photos from #ForcedLabor in #Xinjiang. Inmates of a re-education camp are picking cotton and doing other field work. #Thread
Aerial images of the re-education camp from which the above pictures were taken #Xinjiang
The camp is protected by fences and barbed wire, preventing any escapes. Watch towers looming over the scene #Xinjiang
More pictures from the labor cohorts, doing manual field work that could easily be finished with mechanical machines instead. #ForcedLabor #Xinjiang
These pictures recollect memories of slavery in the Southern states of the US 🇺🇸...
... maybe because these are actual images of ongoing #slavery in the US 🇺🇸 south, from the Angola farm that is now the Lousiana State Penitentiary.
Further reading about the Louisiana State Penitentiary: https://twitter.com/angola_watchdog/status/1304851243102167040?s=19
Excellent thread: 👇 https://twitter.com/samswey/status/1170831029935988741?s=19
Meanwhile, the @nytimes has its own priorities when reporting from Angola, Louisiana https://twitter.com/abovetheclouds/status/1211981680002637825?s=19
Also, please consider boycotting all those movies shot in Louisiana https://twitter.com/abovetheclouds/status/1303025636076933120?s=19
You can follow @abovetheclouds.
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