Ten Truths | You Must Realize

1. Actions speak louder than words. Be a person of integrity, honesty and action.

Do what you say.

Your words carry weight and currency.
2. Searching for happiness is a lost cause.

Remove that.

Happiness comes from within and no material, monetary or physical possession can change what’s inside your soul.

Heal your inner child; be happy with who you are.
3. ‘I’m sorry’ are the two most difficult words in the English language.

Remove your ego and restore relationships.

Use these words when necessary.
4. Give yourself up to a higher power and ask for things to be given to you.

You have not, because you ask not.

There is plenty for everyone. Ask and you shall receive, but don’t be so foolish to believe this will come without hard work.
5. You cannot and will not make everyone happy.

Some of your closest friends and family will be the first to bring you down.

Complete strangers may be the ones to prop you up.

Remove toxic people from your life, regardless of how close the blood line.

6. Gossiping and putting down others behind their backs is a punk move.

Don’t say things about others you wouldn’t say if they were standing in front of you.

Insecurity and jealousy is an ugly color to wear and small minded people participate in this arena.
7. Cherish the ones who are always there for you.

Pay them back with your attention, your time and your love.

Appreciate the small things done for you and pay back in multiples.
8. Be blunt, but considerate. Transparent but reserved.

Don’t be an imitation or a forgery. People can sniff fakes a mile away.

Be real, be you, but remain tactful and gentlemen like.
9. Treat people who can do the littlest for you, with the most dignity and respect.

True character is displayed when kindness is offered to those which you know can provide little else in return.
10. Remove the sticker from your fitted hat and return the shopping cart back to its proper place.


Be an adult.

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