While we don't fully understand the role of children in transmission, we know that children get infected & transmit (older children likely with same or greater efficacy as adults). With the high no. of contacts in schools, it makes sense to apply precautionary principle.1/N https://twitter.com/adamhamdy/status/1305205399302418435
Once again the UK is diverging from what many other countries are doing. The UK policy on masks in schools is also inconsistent internally- we are asking people to wear masks indoors & under conditions where they cannot socially distance. So why are schools the exception? 2/N
The govt has claimed that wearing masks will impact communication, and teaching. Where is the evidence for this. By contrast, there is increasing evidence that masks reduce transmission, & that SARS-CoV-2 is likely to be transmitted by aerosol. 3/N
Given school 'bubbles' are mjuch larger than those in other contexts (e.g. the rule of 6), in an indoor environment, not socially distancing, it seems irresponsible to expose children & staff, who may not only get infected, but contribute to onward community transmission. 4/N
Let's not forget that this is all against a background of a failed test, trace & isolate system. This means we have little ability to detect clusters that emerge in schools, and deal with them rapidly. 5/N
The least we can do is try to prevent transmission in this context, particularly as the background transmission is increasing. Superspreading events are much more likely when background transmission is high. We have a duty to protect staff & children & the broader community. 6/N
The govt rhetoric appears to be that children aren't at risk themselves. While mortality seems generally lower in children, we still don't understand enough about COVID-19 in children to rule out long term impact. And of course children contribute to community transmission. 7/N
Children interact with staff in schools, and with their family in households. We can't view the impact of school openings in isolation, without considering the broader impact on the community, & on teachers. 8/N
In the absence of govt action parents & teachers are having to make v. difficult decisions about putting their children, themselves, & in many cases vulnerable family members at risk. The govt needs to step in and do more. This shouldn't be parental & individual responsibility.
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