COVID-19 update: deaths
Canada reported no deaths from COVID on Friday, 9/11/2020.
The USA will most likely reach 200,000 deaths before the end of this week.
40% of COVID deaths are connected to long term care facilities.
Irony of the forest fires, I have been using forest fire analogy in my nursing homes for some time. The nursing homes are campsites in the middle of a forest fire.
There is no way to prevent your campsite from catching fire. Your only hope is to minimize the damage. Death of 10-20% of the residents who catch the virus is inevitable. Your best chance is to contain the forest fire.
The count is roughly 40,000 new cases of COVID daily in the US. So I am truly hating the thought of the flu season (actual flu) being less than 8 weeks away.
So I am truly hating the thought of the flu season (actual flu) being less than 8 weeks away. I predict 240,000 deaths before November ends, and another 300,000 between November 2020-April 2021, unless we do something drastic to contain COVID.
#COVID19 #notsixfeetunder
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