mfw every civilization near my country believed females were dirty, dictated what we wore, how we lived and what we got to do and enslaved feminine/gay males as “the third gender” and enslaved them as sex slaves and mutilated their genitals but you call it progressive
In fact I will make this a thread so you racist fvcker2 can stop thinking the east and the orient and North Africa were taught everything by ur dirty non ash washing ancestors đŸ§”
let’s start with the first accounts of “gender divergent” cultural role. Sumer and Akkad in modern day Iraq.
The gala were priests who took on the role of women in holy worship of a goddess, innana, since women couldn’t be priests.
They weren’t regarded as “women or men”
and simply had this role due to the banishment of women from serving as priests, you May know her by her Assyrian name ishtar.
Another reason for their existence was to sing laments to innana since the opposite sex must do that for each god/goddess.
The gala frequently practiced homosexuality and many chose female names, once again why are gay males fringed off “normal” society?
Later on with the emergence of more women being successful in society, women were allowed to sing lamentations for innana and live as gala.
Next, a Greek/Roman/Anatolian one: the galli or gallus.
these males faced forced castration in order to become eunuch priests for the goddess Cybele. The mother goddess.
This tradition took place due to the myth of Attis, cybeles’ son and consort who commit self mutilation.
On the topic of eunuchs, let’s take a look at what western queer theories romanticize most. A culture of forced castration and pedophilia in the Middle East North Africa and other regions.
A eunuch is a male who is castrated, usually in youth, to serve a specific purpose.
as mentioned, this can be for religious purposes and may be done willingly OR it may be something darker.
By western accounts, eunuch are a “third gender”, suggesting progressive undertones. In reality, the existence of eunuchs was a category for effeminate males who were usually adolescent slaves, or were chosen for “purity” reasons.
Again the first place this occurred was Sumer.
Eunuchs were castrated for lots of reasons but the main one was to ensure their outmost loyalty to their leaders.
Meaning if a boy was taken as a slave he shouldn’t have a reason to pursue a palace maiden or leave the kingdom.
in much of the global East and south eunuchs have made an appearance and existed for thousands of years.
Below I will expand on these roles throughout histories and regions.
Ancient Egypt:
Egyptians threatened their enemies (Nubians) whom they enslaved using three categories
“Eunuchs, women and men”.
If you don’t know the history of the pyramids, at around 6000 BP, a familial line of successful pharaohs began a traditional of building large tombs. The first to successfully build the planned pyramids, pharaoh khufu, did so by conquering Nubians and
Extending his kingdom to conquer more people. Men whom he used for higher positions were castrated and thereby treated as “the third sex/gender” of the enslaved peoples.
Ps. I will not mention the fact much of what the west knows about gender is based of abrahamic religions, which are middle eastern chum as much as it bothers you WE dictated what YOU think since your ancestors were in caves when we were building civilizations xx. but know it
Eunuchs in ancient Assyria:
Assyria was one of the first civilizations to punish homosexuality, and guess what they did it with? Castration. Homosexual and effeminate males were forced into having their genitals chopped and living their lives “othered” and emasculated.
Enuchs were buried differently, had different dress codes and roles in society and thereby can be viewed as a “third gender” through western eyes especially in Assyria.
They were used as slaves, regents for minors, and more.
In Achaemenid Persia:
Castrations were common amongst Persian court especially for viziers/vazirs/advisors.
One such is bagaos who was commonly used in Greek and western propaganda as a betrayer and representation of Persia.
through the Achaemenid empire eunuchs became common.
The result in the following generations of Iran and it’s surrounding countries was:
Qulams: enslaved soldiers from different ethnicities who if viewed as feminine were castrated and used as sex slaves in the army as well
A rise in homosexual pedophilic culture in some areas–
Of court and the previous empire.
Perhaps one of the darkest occurrences was ottoman eunuchs:
These men were usually enslaved and imported from countries in Africa or the Balkans+Caucasus. “ the black/white eunuchs” was a common title, and each of these categories was –
Assigned roles.
This harsh enslavement and torture which frequently targeted black men and either bought boys as slaves in the caucus and Balkans or used the boys of families who couldn’t pay jizya tax.
Coptic Egyptians frequently took part in this trade aswell.
In China:
China has one of the longest and largest histories with eunuchs.
From the ancient times till the siu dynasty it was one of the “5 punishments“, and was used as a way to emasculate males from different ethnicities for centuries after.
Eunuchs lived with their own–
“Gender” roles and stereotypes.
Eunuchs would later enter these roles willingly to escape rural life and work for nobles and royals, despite losing their status in society.
this tradition continued into the 20th century.
Vietnam and Korea:
adopted similar cultures of eunuch castration similar to China.
Initially Korea would make dogs bite off the testes and phallus, but later switched to the knife method. In Korea eunuchs were called naesi in court and were used as tributes. They were allowed to
Sleep in the royal castle.
In Vietnam eunuch were traded with China and many men would perform self castration to gain access to power in the palace.
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