I have this theory that instead of MBTI personality tests, or the Zodiac, or Hogwarts Houses, everyone is one type of @StarTrek Captain. Are you a Kirk, a Picard, a Janeway, a Sisko, an Archer, a Pike or a (Prime Universe) Georgiou?
KIRK-TYPE: (Assertion!) People who are Kirk-type are brash, bold, absolutely not conflict averse. Friends find them absolutely magnetic.
STRENGTH: Kirk types throw a great party, and always are the center of attention.
WEAKNESS: Kirk Types also usually throw the first punch.
PICARD TYPE: (Discipline!) People of the Picard Type are the diplomats or negotiators. They strive for equity & act with discipline.
STRENGTH: Picard-Types make great managers that inspire confidence.
WEAKNESS: Picard-Types can have a cold, detached, emotionless demeanor.
SISKO TYPE: (Compassion!) Sisko-Type people are the most compassionate. They care deeply about everyone, & solve problems with love. Love is always the answer.
STRENGTH: Sisko Types make the best parents in the galaxy.
WEAKNESS: Brace for Dad-Jokes, no sense of humor on sensors.
JANEWAY TYPE: (Intellect!) People of this type are the smartest of all the captain types. Janeway-Types have the most raw intellect.
STRENGTH: There has never been a problem this type can’t solve.
WEAKNESS: The dedication to logic can lead to some very brutal decision making.
ARCHER TYPE: (Resolve!) Archer Types do not ever give up. They work as hard as they can to solve their problems, and are unyielding in their diligence.
STRENGTH: Archer Types work through every problem.
WEAKNESS: They cannot give anything up, even if it’s already over.
PIKE TYPE: (Sacrifice!) The Pike Types think absolutely nothing of self sacrifice. They’d gladly give the shirt off their back, for the people they love.
STRENGTH: They always go down with the ship.
WEAKNESS: They always go down with the ship, even if it’s just over a dent.
GEORGIOU TYPE: (Patience!)
Based on the Prime Universe Georgiou, this type works through challenges with patience, trusting in the processes to get the job done.
STRENGTH: This type will never be called hasty.
WEAKNESS: They always trust the process, even when it doesn’t work.
So, @TrekCore / @StarTrek people, which type are you?
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