not entirely sold on every parallel / am struggling w the actionable response to some of her points but this podcast is great (and short!) and important as we learn to live day-to-day in the context of a pandemic
the response to shame has been overwhelmingly to “go underground,” whether it be to social media or in testing/reporting or to your own roommates - which is SO so dangerous since the #1 form of spread is person to person contact (meaning we NEED case and contact transparency)
we‘ve stigmatized the very diagnosis of covid w/o acknowledging that pretty much all of us live nowadays undertaking various degrees of risk - it’s a mix of choice and luck & we have to find a healthy balance of stigma & transparency bc ppl never do things JUST bc they’re “right”
i don’t know what that middle ground is but i do know that i hope we would all be willing to examine our initial responses to the pandemic in the context of a more general public health pattern that has occurred before - my first reaction has been to shame, but should it be??
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